
The most annoying aspect of this mess, at least to me, is that by successfully using a slate the ‘Puppies’ basically proved their own argument that people were manipulating the system false. If there was a concerted, directed effort to push ‘SWJ’ issues into the Hugo nominations than the ‘Puppies’ should have either

I read that Dennis Hopper’s son once asked him why he agreed to do the Super Mario Brothers movie. He replied “so I could put shoes on your feet.”

Bad idea. The glues along the spines are polymers— “ethylene copolymers such as vinyl acetate ethylene (VAE) emulsions or ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) hot melts”, according to Bookbinding Adhesives. Plastics, basically, and burning plastics in low temperature fuel rich environments produces a

My aunt runs a nonprofit that benefits underprivileged schoolkids. She gets massive donations of L. Ron Hubbard books every year—presumably because Scientologists are required to spread the word of L. Ron as far as possible. The books are unreadable (and totally, 100% unsuitable for a kids’ book drive), but they would

I worked for a library vendor for a while, and we would try to post interesting things to our facebook page. We occasionally posted things about book art - not book arts as in bookbinding, but pieces of art made out of old books. It consistently pissed people off (apparently librarians who missed the class on weeding

Just because the article didn’t go into it: Meningitis is, along with being deadly, also a very painful way to die. So not only did these people let their son die because they’re batshit psychopaths who own a naturopath company that peddles bullshit, they let him die in an excruciatingly painful way.

I mean....holy shit the stupidity. That poor child.

Exactly. It’s one thing to use home/natural remedies for mild issues, but a completely other to view them as a cure-all and completely reject modern medicine for serious illness. Especially when the ill person can’t identify or express their level of illness or when they might need to transition from a home remedy as

Ugh, I know a woman who tested positive for group B streptococcal during pregnancy and she refused antibiotics during delivery and her baby was born with meningitis. She was whining to me that the doctor at the ER screamed at her when she arrived (she chose a home birth). He was horrified and told her he had not seen

As an autistic adult, fucking yes this. I would rather be alive and me, with all the problems that brings with it, than dead from meningitis or struggling with PPS.

when someone is having a home birth they have a midwife who is bound by law to get them to the hospital if any complications arise. I knew people who refused to go to the hospital when complications arose and so the midwife was forced to call the police to get them to the hospital. As long as there is a registered

Semi related, I know a dude and his family through a friend, who are homeless (family of 7) because they have been evicted, refuse to work a real job cause they claim their home business is full time, start gofundme after gofundme for cash to get a deposit to get a rental because those goddamn landlords dare to want

Maybe I’m weird, but I would rather have a kid with autism than a kid with meningitis or polio. And for the record, I don’t think vaccines cause autism, but even if there was a 1% chance they do, I would still risk it.

Read his Facebook rant. Yikes, talk about a narcissist with a persecution complex. He let his son die willingly and is upset that no one can give him money for it anymore. But its all ok, because he loves the people who don’t agree with letting children die from preventative illnesses anyway, even though he still

It would make a hell of a salad dressing tbh

Seriously. That sounds like a salad dressing recipe. I can’t wrap my head around the combination of stupidity and hubris that would cause you to believe that you, a random person untrained in medicine, have discovered a cure for meningitis, autism, etc.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

It’s sad, and it sucks, but good looking people have much easier lives.

Poor Dana looking to bury himself after tonight

Do not use more than the recommended 6 oz. of water and have your butter mix melted and ready to go when the biscuits come out of the oven.