
Thank god for you and your fearless, completely reality-based truth telling! Without it, we might all think the article Gawker posted about the shooting yesterday was an actual article about the shooting and not just a figment of our collective imaginations.

in my state they are pushing a bill making it legal for toddlers to have guns. toddlers. ...TODDLERS!

“Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback called the shooting a tragedy Friday, and told reporters that it was too soon to discuss any need for stricter gun control laws.”

Here’s what this piece misses. Rich kids whose parents pay for their lives, love to pretend that they’re not rich kids. They want to walk around and feel like they’re struggling young professionals making it on their own. That’s the fantasy.

I don’t understand why women in these movies are never allowed to have jobs in STEM or something that would conceivably make them enough to be able to have flats like this. Other than the very occasional busy, flustered doctor, or magazine editor-type.

Look what’s happened to the one lady who fucked him!

Same. I'm 34 and we watched the verdict during social studies. I have no desire to watch this.

Did you read the Jezebel article about the difference between the way that men write about women vs. the way that women write about men? It was very good. It included this quote from Douglas Adams:

That last one stings particularly given how much effort women have to put into their appearance just to be considered professional.

This was particularly charming.

There has always been friction between Finns and Swedes. Finland is bitter towards Sweden due to our complicated history.

He’s celebrating victory over something, iirc it was some hockey match. I don’t really follow that stuff that much.

I know - and I should, I’m Finnish...

Finland was always somewhat in Soviet Russia’s orbit during the Cold War,

I’ve always found the “(insert descriptor here) but sexy” thing super weird. It pops up in lots of written media as well. Like if a woman is going to be sexy it’s mutually exclusive to any other attribute she might be able to possess. I mean, has athleticism ever been considered not sexy?

And yet they still kick our ass in literacy levels, and general education benchmarks.

Well, it’s exactly because they have such a limited amount of space, and yet chose to waste an entire sentence on an irrelevant detail like lip color that offers the casting director nothing (because it can be achieved on any actress with a swipe of lipstick) and also offers the actor nothing (because it’s not

I’m stuck on the “athletic but sexy” line. Why not “athletic and sexy?” I thought “strong was the new sexy”

It goes even deeper than that. Finland was a stateless nation well into the 19th century, having endured centuries of domination by ethnic Swedes. Finns were a second class majority in their own homeland. Their language, cultural traditions, and even physical appearance were singled out as “primitive.” The