
Just a coke, for me. Alas, can’t drink booze.

Lifts martini glass.


Sleepy Time Vanilla. Boyfriend and I are cackling at the video of him crying like a preschooler.



My glass of wine and I toast you

In! Ron Zacapa, baby, straight up.

Can't have any:( So I'll have to be satisfied with imagining what fun prison will be for him.

a lot of wine...not sure how i will go to work tomorrow

Too early for booze where I am, but this orange juice is all the sweeter for justice having been served. these women can now begin to seek peace.

I raise my Diet Mountain Dew.

My hot chocolate will have to do. And it sure as hell does. Cheers.

raising my whiskey in the air

I see no reason not to crack open a Bold Rock in his honor.

First rounds on me. Let’s go full “pirate” on that rum.

Beer and whiskey. Cheers to the prosecutors who locked him up, and hope for the women that were abused, assaulted, and raped.

I have wine!

My Lil Sumpin’ Sumpin’ is in good company with your rum and coke.

Me for sure.