
Hahahahahhhah oh it's fine!! It's too funny my dog DOES look kind of like a baby polar bear sometimes :)

I've never had that weird of a sex dream ever but my mom had a dream a few weeks ago that she walked into me having an orgy

Me too. Wanna have a threesome dream some night (tee hee hee)

Indeed, I was at the Neapolitan National Archaeological Museum a couple of months ago. They have a whole section devoted to sexy stuffs found by archaeologists. Naturally, a large amount of it is from nearby Pompeii & Herculaneum.

I don’t understand. I’ve clearly displayed my ignorant hatred of Israel. Why won’t you accept me as one of your own?

Oh sorry, I forgot, we’re only supposed to be mean to each other around here. Let me try again: “FREE PALESTINE! I SUPPORT OPPRESSED MINORITIES BY SHOUTING AT OTHER MINORITIES WHO WEAR FUNNY LITTLE HATS!”

YES. The idea that porn is a “Woman friendly” industry is one of the greater lies of the 21st century. Yes, it is an industry where a woman can make more money than a man PER ACT but the acts being requested and (sometimes forced or snuck upon them) are from from women friendly. What is woman friendly about forced

But she wasn’t asking her to answer for Bill’s actions, she was asking her to answer for her response to the allegations against him in light of her recent statements about believing victims. I get that it sucks, it’s a tough spot and honestly I don’t know what I’d do if I were in her shoes, but I don’t think it’s

An entirely fair, and necessary, question.

But, but... if you don’t endorse porn you’re not one of the Cool Girls anymore?

So many people were dismissive about that documentary. Shit, Stoya herself was like “the porn industry is amazing!” Even after knowing what she knows. It’s like, what’s amazing about these girls being completely unprotected? These agents are douchebags. Nobody is looking out for them. Here you have another pornstar

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

who is she??? Rita Ora??

are you kidding me? religious harassment led them to seek solace in ISIS propaganda? don’t make excuses for this sick tragedy.

What makes them silly, and who is the arbiter of what beliefs are worthy of respect? There’s no good way to make that distinction, so other than bodily harm and infringements on the natural rights of others, I can’t say that what anybody believes is silly. An argument could be made for all religious beliefs.

One hundred percent disagree. A person’s faith or lack thereof should absolutely be respected when practiced peacefully and without harming or stepping on the rights of others.

I’m from Wisconsin so I’ve been in a car that hit a patch of ice, spun around and then stopped without me doing anything and ended with me facing the right direction. It was super scary. She might be slightly exaggerating in her memory but it’s not impossible that the event took place more or less as she told it.

While sleeping. You remember this exactly while sleeping.

Maybe not but I don’t think (if you believe in God) we know what an all powerful creator of the universe can and cannot do.

I was just about to post something similar. They had a really scary experience, and believe God protected them. It may sound silly to people who don’t believe in God, but making fun of her for it seems a little mean. In this particular instance she wasn’t using God to justify some backwards political belief (which by