Sometime during the weekend, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood stopped working for some players. Given the game's…
Sometime during the weekend, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood stopped working for some players. Given the game's…
To be fair, the "newcomers" broadcast has been terrible as an entry point stream. I tested it on a few office coworkers who are sports nuts (they will watch pretty much all things competitive) and they really gave it an honest to goodness try, watched a good 30 minutes of the stream, closed it and told me "sorry Alex,…
Whatever dude. I don't want to see some video games when i'm trying to watch real athletes play card games!
"HOW IS THIS CONSIDERED A SPORT!" they yelled, looking up from their Fantasy Draft sheets.
Feminists won't be satisfied until college students routinely exchange waivers before making out.
It's good to feel hype again. If I'm a niche gamer this tickled me right in the niche hole.
Probably not the best time to have "TERRORISTS WIN" on your screen..
Ah Mortal Kombat will always be the true grandmaster of arms in my book.
I didn't play Final Fantasy IX until about 2003. In fact, I'd barely played any RPGs. I never had a Super Nintendo or a PlayStation, but my best friend let me borrow his tiny PSone for an entire summer because he had a PlayStation 2 that did the job. He handed me the system, and a stack of SquareSoft games, and that…
I'm not trying to be a snob but;
Happy birthday, Final Fantasy IX! You're fourteen years old now, and still just as lovely as you were back in 2000,…
You might think you are very serious about video games. Maybe you are. But, you know what? Cats are pretty…
Blake J. Harris, author of the excellent Console Wars, tweeted a pic of this 1990 poster over the weekend. Remember,…
Yet another video game webcomic that would have been funnier with one less panel.
Despite what probably amounts to years of experience facing what must be thousands of intrepid heroes, the Level 1…
I'll be more inclined to celebrate the studio after the game is released and is what they promised it to be.
This is code for we plan on selling you pools and toddlers as day one DLC for $15 each.