It looks ok but THIS is gorgeous video game sand.
It looks ok but THIS is gorgeous video game sand.
Have you played with the mod?
“It smells like blood. And it tastes like raw flesh. It’s not something you’ve ever been exposed to. But it strikes…
The fact that I even see this as remotely possible says quite a lot about Cosmo...
I think I would find Conan's video game coverage more charming if I actually felt like he sincerely enjoyed video gaming. Even on his clueless gamer segments, it always seems like he is just in it as a source of cheap jokes that rely heavily on negative stereotypes about gamers.
I'd love to take this game engine, engineer a basic story structure that analyzes player behavior and attitude based on actions and perhaps some dialog. Then create another algorithim that can alter your movement abilities. IE when you progress from one area to another maybe your character transforms into a Lion and…
Encouraging them to continue with Origin? While the world is shifting to Steam streaming and centralized gaming repositories? What's wrong with you?
As for EA, stop deciding for the PC users whether or not we "should" be using a gamepad or not. That's not a decision you should be making for us. Giving us the…
I misunderstood "Zelda boss", you see. I thought it was "boss" as in "boss fight", as in the remake was already done and that was a phrase one of the bosses said.
Staring :
this is an indie game you fuckface shit eating ass chewing deer fucker
Actually looks fun.
But god that fake gamer talk. It never gets less weird
So you're some generic, foreign white guy that happens to get in over his head but ultimately saves the day? (no speakers here)
Why can't the protagonist just be a local?
I can't decide if I can overlook the furries.
As I said earlier, "House of Duty: Titancall".
Hell is a Nintendo that knows how to offer Pokemon as DLC.
Awesome graphics...looks next-gen.