
I find it interesting that Gawker tends to reserve the most criticism over representation to the media that actually makes the attempt. I mean, it’s fine and all if you think they can and should go further but shouldn’t we at least acknowledge when a game/movie/etc is making steps in the right direction? How many

Frey can be seen traversing mountains at break-neck speeds as well as fashioning herself a floating skateboard to cross a river.

This would be the perfect year to bring Joel McHale back and just let him loose on Activision and gaming in general.

I’m so glad I took this game out to pasture. There was so much possibility here and now you can see the money in every decision they make, you can’t even suspend your disbelief anymore(putting the game on gpass for a very short amount of time was obviously a way to try to get vets back into the current expac after

Wake me up when Bungie makes all of the D1 & D2 content available in 1 place for a set price.

Congrats Bungie, you just ensured that I don’t attempt to reinstall to check out new content.

I remember Jim Sterling used to talk about “Confuse-opolies” that trick people into not knowing what they’re buying, and thought it was a bit pearl-clutching. Then Ubisoft... existed. Then I needlessly spent an extra $30 on a

This is exhibit A as to why I really hate the current landscape of major games. All these confusing season passes and battle passes and expansion packs and special editions and bundles of this and that. Pay to unlock this character, pay to unlock this weapon, pay to unlock this dungeon, pay to unlock this vehicle.

Its almost as if Activision is a PoS of a company. I’m sure nothing has happened in say the last 4 to 6 weeks that would back up this claim right? 

Um so yeah I’m a wife on an employee. They made it very, very clear from the beginning that having every other Friday off was temporary. I was surprised it lasted this long. It was only started due to the stress of Covid and they were worried people wouldn’t be taking enough mental health days when they were forced
