
Meanwhile I still can’t find brown pantyhose to save my life. Recently I went to 3 different CVS’s in 3 different towns in Boston and none of them carried brown stockings. I had to go to one of our few (and rapidly gentrifying) “black” neighborhoods to get them which was so out of the way for me since I rely primarily

A big reason no one looks into sexual assaults of black women is because it might reflect badly on black men, and we can’t have that. Up in Canada we have the same issue; the government spent millions looking into the causes of murdered indigenous women, but no one likes the answers (indigenous men) so it just stays


Yeah, I usually do four, to be honest. Four regular Advil* is 800mg, or the same as one prescription-strength pill.

So are we just going to all pretend that the only way women make money is by being half naked or strippers or something? Like, I’m not trying to be sex negative or anti-sex worker, but why not show herself as a boss in a boardroom making paper that way? Why does it always have to be titties and ass? This may be a

Honestly, I think people are being harsher on Bo Rhap than they would on most other biopics purely because it’s about a beloved celebrity. Most biopics are filled with inaccuracies or change timelines, but no one gets worked up over those because they tend to be biopics about people who aren’t celebrities.

Okay, I did see this movie, after reading all the criticism about it and you know what? It’s a damn good movie, very enjoyable, and Rami Malek does an amazing job. I don’t think they make it look like his sexuality is why he died, but they don’t focus a lot on his death in general. They focus on his life, which

Bullshit. Not wanting to reply to EVERY twitter @ is not “dodging question.” Twitter is not a journalism site. I call bullshit on these accusations. #MeToo should not be just about believing at face value every accusation.

First wedding in the National Archives is a pretty solid D.C. flexmove.

My friend and I look forward to Oprah’s list every year because it’s so fun to ridicule but doesn’t throw itself over the ‘eat the rich’ line. This isn’t even fun to make fun of, it just makes me want to go out and burn things.

Enjoy the post-midterm descent into lunacy.

Seriously. How can there seriously be no oversight in place to stop him from regulating his own election? Democracy in general is in some real trouble.

Yes! I’m glad he got the screen time, but I always cringed when he was made to appear on Megyn Kelly Today.

I was assuming the apartment didn’t come with hardware, and she hadn’t decided to hang any yet. This is no commit, no hardware, quick fix. But I agree. 

This is terrifying. What a brave woman. I truly hope she is safe

IIRC, Stephen was diagnosed before their marriage. Early on in their marriage, his family made it clear that his health was Jane’s problem and offered little if any support. As his condition worsened, Hawking wouldn’t allow sensible changes to how they lived such as having a bedroom on the main floor or hiring paid

It’s not the right way to put it, but I’m glad to hear her say this. I had a real issue with the tidiness of The Theory of Everything when I saw it in theaters. Real life is messy, and I knew going in that Stephen Hawking’s personaly life was particularly messy. The movie turned almost all of that struggle and strife

I was going to have a few beers,but that Kavanaugh asshat ruined that for me.

“Dear Diary,