For people who don’t want to be stereotyped, people are throwing around a lot of stereotypes. Even if some percentage of white people voted for Trump, that doesn’t mean everyone there did. In fact, probably means they did NOT vote for Trump.
For people who don’t want to be stereotyped, people are throwing around a lot of stereotypes. Even if some percentage of white people voted for Trump, that doesn’t mean everyone there did. In fact, probably means they did NOT vote for Trump.
Who said that’s the first time the need arose?
Also, not taking flyers at a march or event means “I’m traveling light and don’t have room for a single thing beyond what I am carrying.” OR “I have ADHD and I’m going to lose it before I get home, and then it will just be another piece of trash on the mall for people to gripe about. Plus it cost you money to make…
Same thing in Philadelphia, a great representation of many different people. I turned to the women I was with at one point and said “This is great! It’s like all the cool peopel are here!”
Mary Wollstonecraft ( 27 April 1759 – 10 September 1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. As well as being Mary Shelley’s mother, Wollstonecraft is best known for A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792).
She knew what she was getting into. She wasn’t some medieval 15 year old from a noble family married off to a king in another region because her dad needed to consolidate some kind of power base. She understood “the art of the deal” - her ‘glamour’ for his money. It’s not very “left” to deny free agency to a 35 year…
This brings tears to my eyes. How can people not realize that these animals have feelings after all the years they’ve spent with their pets?
I know what you mean about “acceptable” to dump a pet!
That’s a wonderful idea! here should be a match up service like Tindr for old dogs/cats and old people who want a pet that won’t outlive them or want to foster.
I went to a school that went out of business, like ITT Tech. In the publicity for ITT Tech, I learned that I might be able to get my loans forgiven due to this. I did finish my course of study, but I’ve never been able to work in the field because my state only schedules the licensing exams through schools and I am…
Autocorrect screwed up your and you’re. Grammar people stand down
Talk about privilege! You’ll never there are other people in the world who don’t have any paid time off, nor the opportunity to “save” money for unpaid time because they barely manage to pay their bills at full pay. They probably work for minimal wage at Hobby Lobby and can’t plan their reproduction because of their…
I almost thought you’d described my mother - except she’s not Catholic!
Love your comment. I would have liked the option to stay home with my 2 daughters for their early childhood but it wasn’t possible financially. Then their dad dumped us so I moved closer to family for help so I could both work and go to school to make a better life for them. Now they’re an adult and an almost-adult…
All the stars.
...and it’s healthier for “little Timmy” too.
I also lost a child before this was offered, and although I wasn’t up to it at the time, now I wish I did have a photo. I almost died during the emergency C-section myself, so I never saw her at all.
The magazine is a business. It’s always been a business. At the beginning, when there weren’t any employees, the centerfolds were chosen by Hef, but since he didn’t have any photographers they were purchased ready to print.
If you want to hear what Bunnies think, there is a slightly out of date but very good book about our experiences that all the Bunnies feel is very accurate. It features interviews with 250 Bunnies, and is written by a former Bunny. (note - I am not in the book, my club had just opened when it was written and is only…
:) I think there is a promising career ahead of you writing Romance novels for SAHMs who dropped out of college after marrying some STEM professor, who then left them for a younger student.