
Interesting that you use “Dr” in your kinja name but don’t realize that the first detailed ultrasound that uncovers many serious deformities in the fetus is usually done at 20 weeks. Therefore parents often learn that the fetus cannot survive outside the womb just at the point when you would deny them the chance to

How can you be married to a serviceman who was killed, and be “Miss” America? Wouldn’t that be “Mrs” America?

Editorial page manager is Tom Mcnamee

Great point, I also find myself confused that Cait Jenner says she is against same sex marriage. Isn’t she now a woman married to a woman (sorry I don’t really watch the shows but that’s what I’ve gotten from the media, pardon me if they are now divorced or something). So by definition she’s already in favor of same

So the rest is... one day the teacher said “If you all finish your work you can go outside for recess.” Not really understanding the purpose of school, it became in my mind just a transaction - we would do this work, then the grownups would let us play. Therefore, because I could read well and most of the class was

There is some research about the amber beads... babies have been choked to death bythe necklace getting caught on somethign or twisted. That is the only verifiable effect. I know someone whose child died because they put a religious necklace (saint medal) on the infant and he strangled. If you care about your friend

One thousand times yes - appearance has nothing to do with rape; however, the thing that makes this doubly insulting (and he’s not the only person saying it, sadly) is that I know some of these women and at the time Cosby’s crime happened, they were 40 years or more younger and were working as Playboy Bunnies and

Someday you may decide to be a mom and you’ll be able to give your child(ren) so much more because of your education. No one can tell anyone that they must ever have children, nor at some particular time so IDK why what sis is doing at any particular moment makes you a loser, sweetie. If you have a sis who’s 23 then

Loved it. Had neglected my sci-fi reading until the Hugo controversy this year, which inspired me to read back through the last few years winners. To Be Read list got so long, so quickly.

Since it’s used in metal processes and photography, there could be students who want to use them in art processes ... idk, chenistry was my college nemesis but I did know art students who used electrical and chemical processes to create effects in their artwork, so there may be some weak argument as to why the company

I also missed the memo about why we were going to school. I caught the mumps at the begining of 1st grade and with the extra time and my mom also quarentined at home, I learned to read fluently So when I came back, the teacher must have offhandedly said oe day “If

What about the single income families that are a mother (often divorced) and her kids? I haven’t got the stats at my fingertips but in my experience there seem to be a lot more families like that than families that can afford the luxury of only one of a pair working.

OMG you’re my brother’s best bud from school... no shit, I’m from SJ and you described him to a T. I barely talk to him myself because of changing like that, so can’t blame anyone else for cutting him loose too. Can I say in my parents defense this is not the way we were raised?

People are saying the bruises show the police roughed him up, actually when elderly people take blood thinners (many do) they bruise like that if they touch anything.

Sometimes it’s really hard to get a doctor to actually firmly say someone has dementia until something like this happens. Just because it hasn’t been diagnosed yet doesn’t mean that this wasn’t a cause. I know someone whose late father-in-law didn’t get a definative diagnosis until he was arrested for public urination

Well the Soviet Union had quite a women sniper’s unit and some of the other cold war powers as well, off the top of my head it may have been “gotten” from that precedent. But those who forget teh past are doomed to repeat (the worst parts, I assume).

Have you told him that women soldiers are more likely to be raped by their own side than the enemy? That’s often what older men are worried about (rape by the enemy), although they don’t want to say it out loud.

Thank you, I meant to say most conservation employees don’t get “health insurance” not life insurance although that may have changed with the ACA, and there are a few other typos but I’ll forgive myself since it was off the top of my head and not proof read.

OMG Thank you for referencing this - now I know why this one thin lady who I worked with after I gained weight (and came from my hometown, so knew I was thin before ) was so angry that I was not ashamed of my body. She was much angrier about my weight gain than me, which never (before) made sense.

How do you do this and not get banned by Facebook? EVERY time I report something as hateful (even when urged to do so as part of a campaign of thousands of women to stop pedophile FB pages of all the awful effed up shit) EVERY goddamn time, I end up being the person who gets banned. And I have a very run of the mill,