
These animals are too mentally damaged to be released into the wild. In an ideal world, they would consolidate the marine mammals into one large non-performance based location, large enough for them, and allowing them to have a semblance of the family group they should live in until their natural demise. Of course

I guess I wasted my story above, punch line “So. You’re the skinny one now.”

This reminds me of the shade that my mom’s sorority pal pulled on my sister and I. Obvs, this lady knew us before we’re born, and still had us pegged in her mind as my sister, the cute chubby baby, and me, the skinny unappealing looking little kid. As we got older my sister grew out of her toddler chub and after being

I work with a large number of women physicians in my current job. You would not believe the huge number of stories they have along the line of “so then I saved the life of the man bleeding/seizing on the train tracks and the EMTs/police got there and saw what I’d done and said ‘Wow are you a nurse’?”. Wow., no.

This isn’t a “neg” per se, but a white cis baby boomer male issue - the power pissing match. I’ve mentioned this on Kinja before. I worked as a national park ranger. I was slim and fit and could hike but not bench-press grizzlies or anything. Often I’d take a group on a walk or tour and at the end of “interpreting”

Government support for what? The US Federal government cuts funding for national parks, refuges, and marine sanctuaries every frakking year. Right now the GOP wants to SELL OFF national parks. Marine sanctuaries have only paper thin laws, almost no staff and certainly not facilities or a mission that would allow them

Cyanopinapple, you may want to see if it is FODMAPS that you are sensitive to.

According to Stanford University, there is exactly such a thing. Many people have problems digesting a class of foods abbreviated as FODMAPS. The symptoms are similar to celiac, and wheat is one of the foods that contain the FODMAPS.

Romans made slaves of people from all over Europe. These were white people. Irish people had slaves - St. Patrick was sold as a slave before he converted to Christianity and returned to Ireland. Slavery has been practiced in Asia and the Americas as well. This blog clearly lays out how all the bloggers Scandanavian

I already knew the answer... been saying for years that I’d get a Monterey Bay Aquarium sized aquarium of comb jellies - a kind of jellyfish - and of course someone to care for them because they are supposed to be hard to care for and if I’m rich I don’t want to work that hard. Ironically I have the kind of

I think you have the answer! If there is any attempt at actual prosecution, he won’t be able to participate in the trial because of his “ill health”.

Although I spent a couple of years as a waitress, this story is not about a customer: my stepdaughter, when she was in her 20s asked “What kind of fish is in tuna?”.

“Ante”natal care is called prenatal in the US. Ante means before. Memory aid - antebellum is the US term for before the civil war (usually refers to the south). Anti-bellum would be against war.

The idea of putting just a very faint trace of blush on your nose and chin is to look “sun kissed” - basically if you had just a touch of sun, it would redden the parts of your face that are most prominent, your apples of your cheeks, your nose and chin. Subtlety is the key to making it work, same as contouring.

Her brothers? As far as I can remember, all presidents who had a brother or brothers had at least one embarassing brother. Those who did not have brother(s) had some other embarassing relative.

There’s also racist code in here. There are two creation stories in Genesis - the familiar Adam and Eve, and another where God makes man from dust and or mud (Dust to dust, ashes to ashes). Many white supremacists believe that the two stories are both true and that Adam and Eve were caucasian, and all brown skinned

As far as the refusing to shake your hand, I have a totally different experience: I worked as a park ranger, which I didn’t think of a terribly gendered but apparently a lot of older men think that all rangers should be men. Often, not every time, that I would take a group on a nature hike, tour of historic site or

As far as the refusing to shake your hand, I have a totally different experience: I worked as a park ranger, which I didn’t think of a terribly gendered but apparently a lot of older men think that all rangers should be men. Often, not every time, that I would take a group on a nature hike, tour of historic site or

I have tried not to comment on any of these Cosby stories, because as a former bunny, I know three of the women who were raped. That hardly makes me impartial and I am not going to go into great detail although I could. However, every time someone says "Innocent until proven guilty" they nearly always follow it up