People are saying the bruises show the police roughed him up, actually when elderly people take blood thinners (many do) they bruise like that if they touch anything.
People are saying the bruises show the police roughed him up, actually when elderly people take blood thinners (many do) they bruise like that if they touch anything.
Sometimes it’s really hard to get a doctor to actually firmly say someone has dementia until something like this happens. Just because it hasn’t been diagnosed yet doesn’t mean that this wasn’t a cause. I know someone whose late father-in-law didn’t get a definative diagnosis until he was arrested for public urination…
Well the Soviet Union had quite a women sniper’s unit and some of the other cold war powers as well, off the top of my head it may have been “gotten” from that precedent. But those who forget teh past are doomed to repeat (the worst parts, I assume).
Have you told him that women soldiers are more likely to be raped by their own side than the enemy? That’s often what older men are worried about (rape by the enemy), although they don’t want to say it out loud.
Thank you, I meant to say most conservation employees don’t get “health insurance” not life insurance although that may have changed with the ACA, and there are a few other typos but I’ll forgive myself since it was off the top of my head and not proof read.
OMG Thank you for referencing this - now I know why this one thin lady who I worked with after I gained weight (and came from my hometown, so knew I was thin before ) was so angry that I was not ashamed of my body. She was much angrier about my weight gain than me, which never (before) made sense.
How do you do this and not get banned by Facebook? EVERY time I report something as hateful (even when urged to do so as part of a campaign of thousands of women to stop pedophile FB pages of all the awful effed up shit) EVERY goddamn time, I end up being the person who gets banned. And I have a very run of the mill,…
These animals are too mentally damaged to be released into the wild. In an ideal world, they would consolidate the marine mammals into one large non-performance based location, large enough for them, and allowing them to have a semblance of the family group they should live in until their natural demise. Of course…
I guess I wasted my story above, punch line “So. You’re the skinny one now.”
This reminds me of the shade that my mom’s sorority pal pulled on my sister and I. Obvs, this lady knew us before we’re born, and still had us pegged in her mind as my sister, the cute chubby baby, and me, the skinny unappealing looking little kid. As we got older my sister grew out of her toddler chub and after being…
I work with a large number of women physicians in my current job. You would not believe the huge number of stories they have along the line of “so then I saved the life of the man bleeding/seizing on the train tracks and the EMTs/police got there and saw what I’d done and said ‘Wow are you a nurse’?”. Wow., no.
This isn’t a “neg” per se, but a white cis baby boomer male issue - the power pissing match. I’ve mentioned this on Kinja before. I worked as a national park ranger. I was slim and fit and could hike but not bench-press grizzlies or anything. Often I’d take a group on a walk or tour and at the end of “interpreting”…
Government support for what? The US Federal government cuts funding for national parks, refuges, and marine sanctuaries every frakking year. Right now the GOP wants to SELL OFF national parks. Marine sanctuaries have only paper thin laws, almost no staff and certainly not facilities or a mission that would allow them…
Cyanopinapple, you may want to see if it is FODMAPS that you are sensitive to.
According to Stanford University, there is exactly such a thing. Many people have problems digesting a class of foods abbreviated as FODMAPS. The symptoms are similar to celiac, and wheat is one of the foods that contain the FODMAPS.
Romans made slaves of people from all over Europe. These were white people. Irish people had slaves - St. Patrick was sold as a slave before he converted to Christianity and returned to Ireland. Slavery has been practiced in Asia and the Americas as well. This blog clearly lays out how all the bloggers Scandanavian…
I already knew the answer... been saying for years that I’d get a Monterey Bay Aquarium sized aquarium of comb jellies - a kind of jellyfish - and of course someone to care for them because they are supposed to be hard to care for and if I’m rich I don’t want to work that hard. Ironically I have the kind of…
I think you have the answer! If there is any attempt at actual prosecution, he won’t be able to participate in the trial because of his “ill health”.
Although I spent a couple of years as a waitress, this story is not about a customer: my stepdaughter, when she was in her 20s asked “What kind of fish is in tuna?”.