“Ante”natal care is called prenatal in the US. Ante means before. Memory aid - antebellum is the US term for before the civil war (usually refers to the south). Anti-bellum would be against war.
“Ante”natal care is called prenatal in the US. Ante means before. Memory aid - antebellum is the US term for before the civil war (usually refers to the south). Anti-bellum would be against war.
The idea of putting just a very faint trace of blush on your nose and chin is to look “sun kissed” - basically if you had just a touch of sun, it would redden the parts of your face that are most prominent, your apples of your cheeks, your nose and chin. Subtlety is the key to making it work, same as contouring.
Her brothers? As far as I can remember, all presidents who had a brother or brothers had at least one embarassing brother. Those who did not have brother(s) had some other embarassing relative.
There’s also racist code in here. There are two creation stories in Genesis - the familiar Adam and Eve, and another where God makes man from dust and or mud (Dust to dust, ashes to ashes). Many white supremacists believe that the two stories are both true and that Adam and Eve were caucasian, and all brown skinned…
As far as the refusing to shake your hand, I have a totally different experience: I worked as a park ranger, which I didn’t think of a terribly gendered but apparently a lot of older men think that all rangers should be men. Often, not every time, that I would take a group on a nature hike, tour of historic site or…
As far as the refusing to shake your hand, I have a totally different experience: I worked as a park ranger, which I didn’t think of a terribly gendered but apparently a lot of older men think that all rangers should be men. Often, not every time, that I would take a group on a nature hike, tour of historic site or…
I have tried not to comment on any of these Cosby stories, because as a former bunny, I know three of the women who were raped. That hardly makes me impartial and I am not going to go into great detail although I could. However, every time someone says "Innocent until proven guilty" they nearly always follow it up…
That was a bunny, not a playmate. As a former bunny, I know both PJ who made that assertion, and Victoria, who was both a bunny and a playmate (centerfold). Most bunnies worked in clubs and were never in magazines. It may not matter to you, but it matters to us.
Ok, when I turned 18, the drinking age had just changed to 21 in my state but anyone born 18 years before was "grandfathered" in. My dad did not throw any parties, but I did go and get myself a job serving drinks - as a Playboy bunny. First of all, all the other cocktail waitresses wore skimpy uniforms anyway, but…
Being polite / following rules is not something people just do in places of worship. In a library you don't yell, in a museum you don't lick the paintings (no matter how realistic that apricot in the still life looks), in a hospital you don't break the glass windows into the infant nursery. Or at least, I would hope…
I know you were focusing on TV anchors, but after watching closing credits carefully (wondering where a show was made) my hubby and I have become great fans of the casting in Canadian and UK series. Many of the shows are multi-ethnic but in a natural feeling way - not like "We needed an asian woman to play the asian…