Truly amazing. I kind of want to buy some Labo now.
Truly amazing. I kind of want to buy some Labo now.
I haven’t done that and I wouldn’t do it. But I have a feeling your reasons for not doing it are a bit more crazy and paranoid than mine.
Except the police didn’t just fill out a family tree and say “well, looks like we got our guy” and then leave it at that. They identified some potential suspects and then took direct DNA samples from them to rule them out. I have no doubt that it would pan out exactly the same way if you were roughly pointed out as a…
Wrong ID? No. They only used the info they gained from genealogy sites to identify potential suspects, then obtained DNA directly from those people to verify if they were or weren’t the actual perpetrator. Meaning the people they looked at that weren’t the killer were definitively ruled out. No one in this case was…
Jesus Christ, dude. Get a grip. I know this site leans hard-left. I accept that there’s a bias. And I hate CNN, too. But to see ideological possession run so deep that it turns you into a fomenting lunatic because someone on your own side took a slight diversion from the scripted speech of The Party, it makes you look…
Man, this site was so much better before it got gawkerized. The pandering tone in the articles here has become nauseating.
If your friend is actually having the sensation of “stabing” pain as a reaction to something as benign as hearing their previous name, the correct response for that person shouldn’t be humoring them to help them maintain that psychosis, but rather they should be encouraged to seek out a qualified psychotherapist who…
Funny, because the other half of the public think Jenner is a treasure trove of big easily highlighted things to like and parade around triumphantly as a means of signaling to other liberals that you’re cool with trans people, and that it’ll be a cold day in hell before either form of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner can be held…
This is a good observation and I have deemed it to be true.
Tide pods.
Don’t bother. Your name excuses it. In fact, I was kind of losing it over all the errors in your comment and in my head I was kind of working through my options for a snarky reply to it, but then I read your name and now I’m okay with it. Because at least you’re owning it, you know? Honesty is important.
Not necessarily. It just means that I’m often taking issue with the supposed consensus on a given topic, or arguing for the minority opinion, or what the article alleges to be the minority opinion.
I don’t understand, please elaborate.
Hey, as someone who is often “that guy” I take offense at this. Even That Guys have the sense to stay away from this one. What we’re dealing with here isn’t a That Guy but is actually probably just a Basic Asshole, or a high-functioning feral cat.
Fuck all of that.
Oh my god, like, soooo fucking evil the way they specifically tell people to let them know if their reporting is false or unfair. I remember when Hitler did the EXACT. SAME. THING.
I am 100% confident that he won’t. You probably just need to take a break from whatever ideological bubble you’re currently stuck in. Stop reading deadspin for a while. Go on a walk or something. I promise you the world is not actually about to end because some idiot happens to be president.
Oh, get a grip. As a history-obsessed classic liberal, I truly can’t understand how so many people are so comfortable just throwing around words like “Nazi” and “fascism” when describing the current administration. It’s a completely erroneous comparison. We’re not even remotely close to those things. Trump is a…
Wow, what a powerful anecdote about people that don’t live here, probably know next to nothing about what’s ACTUALLY happening here, and clearly know virtually nothing about the structure of the federal government and the laws that bind it.