You barely sound like a person at all you huge crybaby. Maybe later in life you will get the fuck over yourself. Maybe not.
You barely sound like a person at all you huge crybaby. Maybe later in life you will get the fuck over yourself. Maybe not.
You’re not missing anything. Those are sorta disgusting.
I’ll bite. Where are you from asshole?
Racism is so inconvenient and my dumb story was misunderstood! Sorry
Stupid recollection though because of your stupid privilege bro
Happens every goddamn day in the United States and elsewhere. Not sure if you ever noticed
Ever been on the road with human drivers? They’re not as responsive as you think. Don’t confuse your (likely) excellent driving skills with everyone else’s because they won’t measure up. There were thousands of crashes today and every day in the United States. It’s common enough to be predictable.
Thanks Dad
Wow this guy is pretty clueless, even for Orlando. Good riddance.
Get your head out of your ass HamNo. Who gives an actual fuck about your local news? You’re a talented writer man, why are you wasting your time on this shit when there’s so much more your research and unique point of view could aspire to. Get it together, and fuck this stupid collection of words.
This highly dramatic person needs to check her privilege and maybe lighten up on the drama. She sounds poorly equipped to deal with uncertainty, which will go over well when raising a child. What a ridiculous problem and then she asks for permission to be more angry about it? Sure. Be angry.
Every fucking time. Some asshole has to step up. Looks like its you today. Just fuck off. I don’t understand why you lack basic empathy, or why you insist on your stupid hot take, but jesus fucking christ you make the world an ugly place.
Another deadline met, but next time plz write something
Yeah good luck with that
Wow. You stupid or somethinh?
You’re trying too hard man
Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. Calm yourself.
You’re right. It’s not a popular opinion because you and idiots like you refuse to call out the NRA for their continued and hypocritical advocacy of violence
Apparently the brand of the gun used doesn’t have the same reliance on associative psychology though.