

Have you considered removing the gfx showing Joe Schilling conversing with a fake profile? You went to the trouble of updating the post, why not go all in. There’s no shame in an honest mistake, but why do I need to scroll past this verified fake shit to get to the beef of the story?

“great picture” typically white. of course.

Crysis is kind of a crap example of performance in 2017, just saying.

What community are you talking about?

lol you idiot

When white policemen execute minorities, I’d hope you have a problem with it as well. If not then fuck right off you prick. If you need more examples (there are thousands), DM me and I’ll further your education you asshole.

Objects like the swastika do not have any inherent meaning; the symbolism is constructed by the people who use them. In Western society, the swastika is tainted. If you can’t figure that out for yourself, then please by all means, get that rad tattoo you’ve been saving up for and let us know how it works out.

Yeah my heart bleeds for those rednecks. Try again. Dick.

Wake up. Please.

Cool. Sounds like you’re done having an opinion. Next time be quicker about it.

The only “genuine concern” expected of you right now is to listen. Plz. That’s how honest conversations work man. C’mon.

Enjoying your stupidity plz continue.

Why are you still going on about it? Sick of seeing your name turn up.

Spell check you retard. Seriously.

You’ve written so much better than this crap.

Why are you still going on and on about it you idiot? Your weirdly aggressive questions and comparisons are tedious at this point. But it’s always about you I guess. Fuck off.

Its the dumb beard that makes him an asshole, but the rest of his existence also makes him an asshole

Great backpedal.

Don’t tell me how to use my camera Emily and I won’t tell you how to write