Public opinion is meaningless
Public opinion is meaningless
Presumption of innocence of all involved parties. Until there's any actual evidence, its all bullshit.
So everything cancels out. Cool
Yes its bad. Your sentimentalism is wildly misplaced.
Copy/Paste. Journalism!
"Shade" was sort played out years ago - but have fun with it!
What's Jez?
Too bad they're all in the Midwest and the South :/
Feel free to continue using the term with your pals. They get you. They understand what a special snowflake you are. Are you unable to make a distinction between private and public discourse?
Out of curiosity, how many health care workers do you believe to have been infected?
Maybe your truck is too long then. One parking spot per vehicle plz.
About fucking time. Ban them all. I don't like them much
This story is about a place in San Francisco. Which is in the United States. Not Europe.
There's more to QA than that description. For those who are willing to take a broader view its a great pathway to other areas. As a designer I rely on the QA team for a reality check, for ad hoc usability testing and so forth. Recently one of the QA leads took it upon himself to provide me with spreadsheets detailing…
Define gamers plz
well yeah, except for the work part
The biggest risk to American security is the assholes who run the government. None of this hardware matters.
Awesome technology with a wide range of practical applications, the least interesting of which are in a fighter jet. Why are humans necessary in this context at all?
Having admitted that, maybe you should also be more mature in your response to your misbehaving offspring.