“people are idiots who can only ride fast in a straight line (if at all).”
“Just because you can buy a 700hp car off the lot doesn’t mean you should, but it also doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist.”
Austin Healeys are awesome. I have a Sprite that I drive everywhere. Anyone that doesn't know thinks it is a MG or Triumph. Also some people think it is an Aston Martin when you tell them it is an Austin Healey...
On that same vein, when is the last time you saw an XR4Ti or a T-Bird Turbocoupe?
I think at least 70% of the cars on this list were incredible bargains. The sellers picked the absolute worst venue; all the bidders were there to buy 6-7 figure cars. Most of these cars would have brought 50-100% more money on C&B or BaT.
A friend of mine (graduate of the Air Force Academy, competed on their track team, and at the time captain in the Air Force) die of heatstroke after going on a morning run after a night of partying in Miami some years back. He was only in his mid-30s, and while the partying certainly contributed to it, people really…
I’ve said it for years. Your basic licence should entitle you to drive vehicles up to 100 bhp per ton. Five years after getting your licence, given no driving infractions, you can take a second test to entitle you to 200 bhp per ton - a figure which includes a *lot* of performance vehicles (and if you don’t like it,…
Honestly, I’m OK with it.
So, I know this is a car site and all but, Who the fuck needs a car with 500 hp? Why is something like this available from the factory, for sale to normal idiots who have enough money to buy one but nothing else that says they’re capable of handling a car with this much power?
you did not drive yourself in this car. This was your hired driver’s problem. Now the front passenger did not have to worry about a dumb stick taking up their luxury space.
Damn reasonable price for a damn fine automobile. And a manual Bentley has to the the most Save the Manuals manual transmission car on earth.
Anyone who would ruin this with a 350 deserves to be pinned down nude atop a nest of fire ants.
If nothing else, you could book this for weddings every weekend until the wheels fall off. NP.
I’m usually FAR more sensible than this - nice nice nice price.
There doesn’t seem to be any really esoteric or difficult work needed to bring this back to full life, the metal looks good and the cow peelings even look fine. Swap out the rubber pieces and freshen her up, tell Jeeves to get off his ass and show up in style. NP.
I wish it were currently a “driver” but the work required seems reasonable. Nice Price. Perfect weekend car for the evening dinner (flummoxing the valets) or taking the grandkids for ice cream and a walk on the beach.
Has it really been a decade since this happened?
The problem isn’t price inflation, it’s wage inflation. But,this isn’t reported correctly.