Trevor Slattery, ACTOR

Wow, there are some really good ones...and a lot of them are represented in the comments (even if some aren’t really ‘hot rods’ but just actual models...for example, the 959 was not a hot rod 911, it was a whole different beast).

I say this as somebody who has never owned a GM car but has been a passenger in many of them: Cadillacs aside, has GM ever made a halfway decent interior in any car? Ever? 

Yeah I’m not one to side with conservatives, and I think them trying to turn this into an even bigger thing is ridiculous, but we can’t pin this one on them. Leftist twitter behaved basically in exactly the way that people constantly accuse leftists of behaving and turned this into a thing when it didn’t need to be

Oh I feel for the crew, thankfully they are all safe. The rich coal baron that owns that? fuck him.

Right? Homegirl can dance, too.

Yup. RDJ’s vibe in Iron Man was always “guy who trims his facial hair so fussily that you just know he’s a narcissist”.

In looking at the Offy, I found out about this dude named Leo Goossen. Dude was a beast. He’s the guy that actually designed the Offy and kept updating it to keep it competitive for 50+ years.

Definitely could see him gun for their constructors win.

Without a doubt some of the best sustained on-track racing since the 2014 Bahrain GP’s “Duel in the Desert”. This was even better though, at one point it was about 5 cars within 1 second all vying for a podium.

Known Trash Human says nice things about other known Trash Human.

200k has been the new 100k for a while now.

That line of thinking hasn’t been true since at least the 90's. 

So that’s the one time of day when you can pump your own gas...  I need to remember that!  ;-) 

This escalated quickly.

If you are 60, but with 50 years of experience staring in karting all the way to high-level series, you are probably ok.

They hit a deer. The driver states the airbags went off. She then decided to apparently slam on the brakes and park her truck in the middle of the highway because she has no fucking clue how vehicles work or basic safety sense. There isnt a massive puddle of radiator and animal on the ground. The windshield isn’t

How are they so bad at this!?

Absolutely - Sainz made a race-winning call, it’s just that Ferrari pitted him to exit into traffic. [which, to be fair, can be hard to avoid at Monaco]

Ferrari still being it’s own worst enemy. It’s hilarious.

Bitten finger & bruised head for me. In front of my kids. Divorced now. #abusedguy