Trevor Slattery, ACTOR

It’s not really. Unless they are being racist. 


What’s up with white folks and chicken? That skin is whack.

I will slow it down for you. If two Jews get into an argument and call each other kikes, its all good. If two Italians get into it and call each other dagos, not an issue. If a bunch of black people want to use the word nigga...guess the fuck what? They can do that.

You need to think deeper kid. What a black person says to another black person is none of your fuckung concern.

Like was said above. Educate yourself. I am done being tour guide for white folks.

Yes, it is a garbage take. So you have lived in several countries. Obviously you didn't learn a damn thing.

Was just about to post this. Fuck NASCAR.

The cars are DEAD simple to work on. All Nice Price, All Day.

That exhaust is factory.

Litteri's FTW!

Preach. I got an 18 year old at home. Move out anytime, please. 

A touch expensive so I'm going to CP this one. But just barely. Nice starter car. 

It was Dr. Dre and it is O’shea Jackson, not Curtis.

Ya know, I skimmed over this article thinking, “this has nothing to do with me as a black guy,” then I read your comments and it gave me an insight into how my ex-wife thinks that never occurred to me.

Great work. Superb stuff.

Dude. Mine has 270k and it just started getting long in the tooth. But aftermarket stuff is so cheap now. Coils are $25 at Autozone. What problems did you have?

I have owned three. A wagon and two sedans. The car totally punches above it’s weight. If the 24v vr6 GLI said "Alfa Romeo" it would be spoken of in hushed tones.