Trevor Slattery, ACTOR

I see she and her friend got out of the backyard pool.

After #2 I RAN to get a vasectomy.

Common problem with quality restorations and mods.

Unless you pick a model with some cache, you will never get out of it what you put into it.

The thing is flying into NY is a mess and you end up no place near Manhattan. From DC, it is bus or train.

Oh yeah. Depends who is paying.

I am also a frequent NYC-DC train rider and I LOVE IT.

This is why you hear artist and producers get heated over who gets credit for a track. When you are heavily sampling, you are NOT making alot of bank.

The fake voice, the non-blinking. The crazy dye job. She was something special. For those who don’t wan’t to spring for the book, I highly suggest using Audible to check it out. Hysterical listening. I found myself rewinding it a bunch...“they did WHAT????”

Dude by 6pm I would be curled up in a sweaty ball...the 6am hot tub dip with champagne, Dove Bars and Fettuccine Alfredo sounds like a nice way to wrap up an evening, I will give him that.

My 88 year old mother’s cursive is Top Notch.

I have trouble with the letter “E”

Fish Bowl for REAL.

You must watch the special on Netflix. It is actually WORSE than you imagined. went for $280,000

Yes. Yes he was. lol.

I am just going to leave a Rhonda Rousey quote right here regarding her fighting men.

What in the hell?

Came across a dead guy in the NYC subway with some of my boys back in the late 90's. Looked like he OD’ed.

She is just about there with this one.