Trevor Slattery, ACTOR

My son is over their now...they can call themselves whatever they want, they are “white in every way that matters to a European,” as far as he is seeing.

I just sent this to my boys and they said THERE IS NO WAY HE AIN’T FROM THE DR. lol. They consider him one of theirs.

Wow...dude sounds like my Cuban and Dominican running buddies!

Man, I live in the DC metro area and YOU CAN HAVE THAT. I got fighters and military helicopters flying over my house all freakin’ day.

So casual about it as well...

Gotcha kind of a 4/4 body +4 drivetrain...interesting.

We charged $25-30k for a full frame off back in the mid 90s. How long ago was the resto done?

A late 4/4 with the Ford engine then? I only drove a Ford engined one once. I have driven several Triumph powered (+4) models.

Oh yeah, he spends half the time at my place still. But he is a ladies man, being around a me and my teenage son just ain’t floating his proverbial.’s cool, as far as this type of stuff goes.

I love the TF, it combines the old school look of the TC and TD models with the “modern” drivetrain that became the MGA and early 3 main bearing MGB cars.

My wife and I are just separated.

It is a way to enforce a “Rooney Rule,” of sorts in the movie industry.

I would like to see if there is any regulatory statutes spelling this out.

My question is WHEN is this data recorded? Do they have a cycle where they re-evaluate what the 85th percentile is every say 10-15 years?

I was watching the game live. The halftime show...OMG. THEY ROASTED DUDE.

One of my friends started a British car restoration business called, “Camp Freddies Car Restorations.”

Back then I was also racing, and like you using a spin machine in the off season.

I also work in the bicycle industry. I use toe clip straps instead of zip ties to hold stuff out of the way. Stronger and reusable.

I had a mechanic (and a damn good one) sum it up simply. “I am OCD about torque settings when assembling engines. For suspensionand brakes....TIGHTEN THAT BITCH UP!”