
So, it’s going to end with her being Jonahs Veep, right!

Is this comment just a joke that didn’t land?

Trump is bugging out for sure, but... I’m honestly not sure that matters. Trump has been bugging out about something or other for the last two decades. Until he loses the strength of his base (i.e. the racists, bigots, xenophobes, and the aggressively stupid) to the point where the GOP is comfortable abandoning him,

How is disagreeing with you ignorance? I don’t think the GOP controlled House of Representatives will see firing a DOJ prosecutor as evidence of the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ required for impeachment. It’s not a mechanism the legislature is bound to, it’s a prerogative they can exercise as they see fit. If you

We had a talking parrot when I was a kid and they are so incredibly smart. He would yell “shut the door” whenever anyone left the house and learned to count in English and Spanish from watching Sesame Street with me. His language skills were incredible and he actually adapted and learned. My mom hated him and always

The WaPo has editorialists on both sides and in that regard is actually fairly balanced. Otherwise it tends to have a definite liberal bent. The “GOP supporting paper” you’re thinking of is the Times ...

I’m sorry, Ms. Godot, no disrespect intended but if they go with a woman Bond it has to be Natalie Dormer.

I’d like to congratulate Lego on making a product for girls with more thought put into it than “they like horses and the colour pink, right?”.

Hahahahaha sure dude, we’ll split off and be a state called Chicagoland, and you all can live in “OMG holy shit we have no money for anything”. Enjoy that.

I don’t get why thats such a hard thing to grasp: If you display a severe lack of impulse control to the point where you threaten the lives of others, you will be sent to prison for a long time or the rest of your life, regardless of whether or not you have a mental illness.

There’s something to be said for protecting the community from someone who went all stabby based on internet encouragement.

I say planning a murder, luring your victim, who is a friend, and stabbing her 19 times is already pretty psychopathic behavior. In a 12 year old that’s just damn scary.

Even if it means more innocent people getting hurt or killed after her quick release?

The idea is to protect the rest of society from her. The girl’s circumstances are tragic, but her actions prove that she is a very real and serious threat to the safety of everyone around her, and always will be. Prison is where we put many people like that, and is probably where she will end up the next time she

Did it ever occur to you maybe those women just want to warn the world what kind of person Drump is? Kudos to them for being brave enough to ignore the victim blaming and shaming they’re getting from people like you.

He’s had sexual assault allegations against him since the 80's starting with ex-wife Ivana.

Or, you know, a lot of them came out YEARS ago, but got brought up again because it went from “A bankrupt real estate developer/rapist getting a reality TV gig” to “A rapist running for president.”

Lol no.

What really bothers me is that no one seems to get (or deliberately ignores) that the Nazi Party didn’t just come to power and then boom, instant Holocaust. Any time you point out the disturbing parallels on our current path some apologist, either rightwing or left, will invariably say “how dare you, it’s not like