I thank you for your boundless compassion, citizen.
I thank you for your boundless compassion, citizen.
Being able to label herself a USC student, on top of the connections she likely made through partying at the school, probably greatly contributed to her success as a social media influencer.
Loved Factorio as well and so far it seems like having a full 3d world lets you really cheat and just stack conveyor belts on top of each other and everything else really. Using the look-out helps make efficient and tidy factories but if my conveyors can swoop over and under most obstacles then I tend to just leave it…
As someone who have puts an embarrassing amount of hours into Factorio I loved what I played of Satisfactory yesterday. It is diffrent enough so it wont replace it or anything, but the vertical aspects really adds a lot. Really looking forward to playing more and future updates.
Oh wow, you really converted me.
Here’s one of the writers:
They have since fixed it, but in the linked review the Variety critic, apparently did not know that either as he noted that Feldman was “like Jonah Hill’s younger cousin.”
Counterpoint: All of DC sucks and there are no good choices.
It sounds like he did mention it during the election: “Trump often spoke about his religious upbringing on the campaign trail, but the church pulled a full Mariah Carey and issued a statement noting that Trump was not an active member, HuffPost reports.”
Peanuts originated in South America.
If you took Madison and Milwaukee out of the state election formula..
What on earth could you possibly mean by this?
Don’t tell Trump he didn’t win Canada, he’ll want more tariffs.
They didnt hide it like that (at least in my neck of the woods) they were proud of their vote
I really want the internet to dox this piece of shit cop. Like, he deserves to be looking over his shoulder in fear for the rest of his scumbag life.
I think this perfectly captures my belief here, certainly the feeling of my experience.
Wow what an objectively thick asshole you are.
If your posts on Jezebel aren’t visible, it means that some writer/editor “shadow-banned” you. You probably said something “mean” about them once upon a time that you didn’t even know was “mean.” You’re not getting into the black—ever.
So, she calls the cops under false pretenses (claiming he was aggressive) and her cousin that shows up says that’s her prerogative.