She weighed in at 101lbs. Squat 303, deadlift 375, bench press 143.
She weighed in at 101lbs. Squat 303, deadlift 375, bench press 143.
Do you think serial killers and like predators are “ill”? And even if they are, shouldn’t society be protected from them? I’ve seen nothing from her defense about mental illness except trying to blame her (very routinely prescribed) SSRI meds for her actions. Her many, many deliberate lies and attempts to mislead…
I think it’s easy to say people are mentally ill when they kill, because the idea of someone doing it not as a result of mental illness is incomprehensible on some level. It’s not always the case.
She is not. Sociopathy is not a mental illness. She lacks the ability to empathize. No amount of medication or treatment can instill empathy; unless you just want to drug her into apathy/compliance. The best we can do is keep her away from people.
They are in charge of the government. If you want to violently take down the government, targeting them is more moral than killing some poor solider trying to pay their way through college.
Not even a good troll.
Anna Kendrick would like a word with you...
LOL. Musk, a guy dedicated to bringing solar power and electric vehicles to the masses is the same as the Koch bros, dudes dedicated to fossil fuel production and rolling back regulation are the same? Even if you truly believe that they are equally racist and sexist, their primary goals are so different the comparison…
Ahem: when he sets up that super-PAC, you be sure and let me know, sweetie. Dear. Bless your heart
If he was using his fortune to corrupt the american government to install a christo-fascist corporate regime, you might have a point. As it stands, you’re a fucking moron. Shut up while grownups are talking
While Baldwin’s comparison to the segregation-era is a little hard to swallow, I’m not going to give Novack a hard time for openly admitting she should have done or said more in the moment.
“Selfish” how?
So the level of respect you give to a follower of a given religion should solely depend on the age of said religion?
Scientology is super extremely not for me, but a quip (I forget whose) comes to mind on the difference between whackadoodle cults and mainstream religions: “In a cult, there’s one guy at the top who knows it’s all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.”
So they have screwed up less because it isn’t as old?
Well, okay, quick thought experiment: what’s the difference apart from the length of time that they’ve been around? Like what really distinguishes any of the major religions from scientology?
No, I think he just looks like that all the time.
Old man continues to yell at cloud
It’s probably long haul drivers that will suffer the most. I’m thinking self-driving across longer distances to distribution points where humans will then take over for the final delivery. That’s one possible solution anyway.