
John Oliver previously covered Sinclair last July.

Yeah, I saw it in the theater on a whim in college, no reviews, no cult following, knowing next to nothing about it. I wasn’t yet familiar with the Coen Brothers: even though I’d seen some of their movies, I didn’t pay attention to who made them and compare them to one another. I think the critics knowing too much

Maybe they can get the guy who plays Oscar to replace him next season.

Bards are a full caster in 5e, fully on par with wizards, clerics, druids, or sorcerers. They have a slightly more limited spell list, but a unique ability to learn some spells from other classes, allowing them to do combinations that nobody else can. Their subclass abilities are generally more useful than wizards

Yes, it’s a central coast regional thing. I never heard of it until I moved here, where it was suddenly ubiquitous. I’m not sold on it being intrinsically better than similar cuts or preparations, but I certainly won’t turn it down if someone offers some.

It’s a funny premise that he’s out of touch, which is the point of the segment, but out of all the rich people to hate, I don’t get hating him. He doesn’t seem to live all that lavishly given his means, and he’s not one of the ones lobbying to rig the system even more in his favor. He legitimately does give a lot to

There are a lot of school shootings in the US, every year, and most of them are majority white schools. Why are people drawing the line here and listening to these particular white kids and not some previous group of white kids? People are getting sick of the violence and starting to come around and are ready to give

I don’t think this Parkland backlash against guns would even be happening without the backdrop of the BLM movement. Progress from BLM has been slow, but it has quietly changed minds and helped get us to a point where the Parkland kids are not being ignored as just another statistic like so many similar shootings.

It’s grown a lot, so if you’ve been waiting for “some time”, then you missed a lot of upside. Maybe it will crash all the way to the previous low point, but nobody knows that for sure, plus when you factor in years of dividends, you’d still come out behind.

I enjoy their music, but I do think they’re a bit overrated considering how many people basically deify them. I think they’re quite good song writers but their main talent was being in the right place and time and having the right idea to exploit it. New bands can never replicate that not because nobody on Earth is

“People talking” is normal, but when there is a certain critical mass of enough people packed in a dense enough seating plan, then none of them can hear each other either, because of everyone else. It sets off a chain reaction where all of those already loud people have to get increasingly louder to be heard over the

How many evangelicals do you know? They love Israel for half baked theological reasons, and can’t wait for the end of the world. It’s very real to them. Especially as they age and see their personal end approaching, they think the end will occur any day now, and they want it as soon as possible. Muslims are just

Are you a pilot? If not, you’re part of the problem. They don’t just put an ad on and put a pilot’s uniform on whoever shows up. They can only hire qualified pilots to be pilots, and not many women choose to learn to be pilots. They can only hire from among the ones that do choose to be pilots. It

I think some of the confusion is that when Bank of America talks about “savings”, people immediately think of a Bank of America savings account. But they might mean total “savings” in the broader sense of all investments, as in “financial net worth”. A 30 year old having $100k of retirement savings in their 401k is

He won’t know about it unless Fox and Friends mention it. He’s not going to read excerpts from a book himself, and his handlers will carefully choose which passages to read to him.

You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word “ethnic”. Perhaps it doesn’t translate well. An “ethnic group” is much more fine grained and different than “race”. “Italian” is very much in keeping with the meaning of the term.

I believe it’s a suppository.

Remember those “Head On” commercials? Of course you do! And now you’ll be remembering them all day.

Nicki is successful enough that she’s probably given her mother enough money over the years for her mother to already have had her own savings to bail him out with.

Middle aged Generation X white people love Nirvana. The Fox News demographic is mostly in assisted living facilities and think Pat Boone is corroding the morals of the youth.