It's going to be a foot holding the stylus if you enter that you don't have any arms.
pokemon snap? Anyone?
um... I'm 12 and what is this?
Still no word on a 3DS or Wiiu version?
This guy knows leg day.
People who make sweeping generalizations are literally the same people! "Commenter makes vague parallel between disparate works."
Look, if you want your kids to be unaware of anything remotely concerning sexuality until they're 18 and going off to college, fantastic. But please, don't try to regulate media on the whole because you're a prude, especially when we're talking media that adults enjoy as well. If you don't like a video game allowing…
You should get your own show.
I just compared it to my 3ds xl. The XL is heavier. It feels more..... dense? like the gamepad is pretty airy..... for lack of better term
Indeed! The movies significantly resonate emotionally especially when people were growing up with them. The movies are written to touch people emotionally and have to cheer for the characters. The tattoos are simply because people like tattoos. It's like having a tattoo of your favorite band or, as is the case here on…
Will it come with a day 1 patch for all future newborns?
Reggie just comes on stage, says, "My body is ready," then exits. Broadcast ends.
- Chargin' Chucks are in Super Mario 3D World.
- Yellow switches are in Mario & Luigi, P Switches are in 3D Land and NSMB, ! switches are in several games, etc.
- The cape is part of Mario's moveset in Smash Bros.
- Mario 3D World has a large scrolling world map.
- The Koopalings are in three of the four NSMB games (plus…
Portuguese. His name is Marcos Bessa.
Everyone forgets Sears even exists, which is probably the reason why it was the only store that had the Wii U in stock after Christmas.
"Princess Peach Snap"
It's like Hypercard all over again!