
Yes Yes Yes. I don't consider them NOT my friend, but sometimes people drift apart and THAT'S OKAY. I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you, and I'm not betraying you just because we're at different stages of our lives. I'll always care about you, but if I'm single in the big city and you're 10 years married to the first

"For the location of closing quotation marks in relation to other punctuation, see 6.9–11. For the use of quotation marks with a comma, see 6.50; with a colon, 6.63; with a question mark, 6.70; with an exclamation point, 6.74; with insane demands, disgusting arrogance, and a general misogynist attitude, see section MY

"For the location of closing quotation marks in relation to other punctuation, see 6.9–11. For the use of quotation marks with a comma, see 6.50; with a colon, 6.63; with a question mark, 6.70; with an exclamation point, 6.74; with insane demands, disgusting arrogance, and a general misogynist attitude, see section MY

Ours was Jungle Juice.

Okay, last year after reading tons of super-scary horrible experiences about IUDs on Jez (they were all comments on articles about how awesome IUDs are...I got some pretty bad whiplash), I almost didn't get one. Almost. But I am so glad I went through with it! No periods for over a year! No worries, no ick, no cramps

OMG—redundant vagina = awesome. I will have to steal that at some point.

Yeah...if I ever get married, I'm totally skipping the whole bridesmaids thing. And as long as you offend everyone equally, you should be okay ;)

I love—they make it easy! Goodreads just wasn't working for me, but Shelfari has been perfect! Definitely take some time and poke around. Here's my page:

Wishful thinking.

Yep, that's me! Although I take buses much more often than planes (which is still pretty bad, especially when you're sitting in traffic or your stupid driver somehow ends up in the parking lot of a strange hotel and has to make a "quick stop" to talk shadily to a guy who seems to be hanging out in the shadows...).

I hope you shoved a death certificate in their faces. (In college, one of my professors demanded a copy of the certificate if we missed class due to family illness. When I missed class to attend the funeral of a friend's father, there was no way I was going to ask for a copy of the death certificate so I had to accept

BC is good for so much more than pregnancy prevention. I've been on BC of one type or another since I was twelve—without it, I get really long, painful periods, debilitating cramps during and midway between periods, horrible acne, and EXTREME mood swings. Eventually, I had so much trouble with pills that I switched to

My "distant cool aunt that lives two states away" is awesome! Perfect non-parent adult figure.


+1 cookie from me!


I think you might be waiting until Hell freezes over.

Yep, and don't forget the part about how it would have to be BOTH "cruel" and "unusual" to count—if everyone is hanging their kids by the thumbnails, then it's okay.

Am I the only one who is sick and tired of the "founding fathers"? Seriously—they're a bunch of old white guys who died 200 years ago. Thanks for founding the country and all, but let's get with the times. I don't care what you would have thought about this or that—what matters is what people NOW think about it.