
A few years ago my sorority’s honor board chair - basically our elected disciplinarian - sent out a “cunt punt” level email about racist Halloween costumes like a week before Halloween. She used her powers for good.


Thanks for picking my story!

Also keep in mind the president who probably advanced civil rights the furthest was LBJ who was the dirtiest player in the game. The most moral president we have ever had was Jimmy Carter who accomplished very, very little. Do you want goodness or greatness?

Wow. Could actually an important thing come out of this shitshow of an election campaign? Could hundreds of thousands of women start breaking the silence and begi ntalking about the abuse we’ve had to face?

“Bill Clinton said ‘retarded’ in 1983. That’s much worse!”

He has only become more insufferable since he went solo. He has achieved what I thought to be impossible.

Newt Gingrich, a man who served one of his multiple wives with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer, is a man eminently qualified to speak of Donald Trump’s character.

I appreciate this comment - for years I beat myself up for my lame reaction to sexual assaults like having my crotch and hips grabbed (coworker, both times). I froze and either never did anything about it or was told to forget it and didn’t try to seek help elsewhere. Now I wish I had just taken a swing. But I didn’t

Once in a club a strange girl who I did not know walked right up to me and grabbed me in the crotch.

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

. Kris, on the other hand, wants to use her daughter’s trauma as a plot line.

The GOP can and has put people in the White house without the support of POC. Why would they care?

His new commercial cracks me up.

Dashed in here to make sure to be the first to say ...

I can’t think of a single male friend that has read that book. None of my male friends have.

Okay, now the Trump campaign has made me like an E.L. James tweet. THAT’S ENOUGH!

I’ve also been told the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?