
So my name IRL is Phyllis (something I once struggled with and then learned to embrace in my teen years). While in a woman's lit class in high school, reading the "Heidi Chronicals," we were tasked with writing a play about a female activist. Ever contrary, and obsessed with other women named Phyllis, I picked Phyllis

... or more like budget Mark Brendanawicz.

What I mean is that she makes it sound like a he said/she said situation when it's actually a "Cosby says he's not a rapist but a whole lot of women say he raped them" situation.

Being married to someone with a vastly different sex drive can be extremely difficult. In my case, my husband has a normal sex drive and mine has been completely destroyed by anti-depressant use. It's just... gone... and switching meds never brought it back. In addition I have vaginismus so sex is also painful

But Ross and Rachel were lobsters. With the holding of the claws...

I'm really feeling Cate and Helena, but Cindy and the prince look kind of bland. Maybe she's gonna turn out great but I wish they went with someone who had a more interesting look, ya know?

Conspiracy theory: Kenneth Branagh is the reason HBC and Tim Burton broke up. Time is a flat circle.

It's unseemly how excited I am for this.

I keep losing my place bc we are watching different eps on mom's netflix account so it's not all fun and games.

You know, those clunky Amish things you think go with everything.

Oh my god it gets funnier every single time

I think we should allow and give room for both types reactions and everything in between. Women should not have to justify their reasons for having an abortion - the simple decision should suffice and stand on its own. That's what having the right to choose means. And by the same token, women can and should be allowed

Well, since the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Education said that they were in the wrong and they are a bunch of lawyers who spend all day dealing with Title IX I would trust them over some Harvard faculty who may or may not be familiar with Educational or Civil Rights law. Also the law professors were

That's easy. Try Yale.

Nope, this is DEFINITELY a case for Castle. Shit, the place is even CALLED Spa Castle.

I knew because of rosebud. #neverforget

Uh, yeah the Larry King interview clip at the end is realllllly creepy.

China is the world's Florida.

Jia's interview with Drake's vocal coach, Dianne Osborne, was the best music piece on Jez from the entire fucking year.