I think I will defer to your comment. Wat?
I think I will defer to your comment. Wat?
Visually it is one of the most interesting things I have seen lately. I was entranced by all the graphic work... some of the lyric combinations made me cringe, but I like the message i.e. it's stupid to pit these ladies against each other. I give it a B-
Didn't he just talk himself into the audience members point? Blowing past the stupid shit about female execs...didn't he just say that writer's aren't writing enough good scripts with female protagonists? And wasn't the question, "Will you write a good script with a female protagonist?" Dumb.
I was horrified this week when I realized that they were my favorite storyline. Avery is amazing, but just like the rest of the characters, I find April very grating most of the time. I did enjoy meeting her sisters though, kind of explains a lot. If Shonda gets more serious about the whole supervisors taking…
As an actor, you are often in the uncomfortable position of being the most visible part of a project while having the least amount of say over its final form.
This! I literally broke down this summer in frustration at the crap selection of non-hormonal and hormonal birth control methods. (Resulting in a back woods shout/ rant) WE ARE FUCKING HALF THE POPULATION! WHY THE FUCK have we not developed anything better than this shit? I settled on a Mirena IUD ( it still has a low…
Don't forget to include (under #2)
I was coming here to say the same thing, pretty sure Erin wrote about it last week? Now I am confused, is it one of those self fulfilling prophecies where it wasn't a problem until the stories circulated, therefore creating a perceived demand for such services? Or were the people claiming no such problem existed, the…
I would watch the fuck out of that movie! SCREENPLAY PLEASE!
UGGGGGGGGG. I have a friend like that too. I am WELL aware that the amount of soda i consumed in high school/growing up was awful. Mostly because the amount of sugar that equals. I eat mostly healthy now as in 80% of what goes into my body is pretty good for it, and %2o is crap. I like the ratio. It is very manageable.
Obviously Cosmo has just entered my 7th grade life where gel pens are the "thang" and spelling like this litters paper fortune tellers. Don't worry.....they'll soon be replacing every other word with THE REAL swear words until they lose all meaning/emphasis. A couple years after that, they'll determine anyone so crass…
ERMAGOD! In mannerisms/looks he is the epitome of my high school crush. Imagining him smell like Abercrombie Fierce makes me want to smoosh my face against his face. *getting flustered just thinking about him at work*
Minnesota has something similar to this. It isn't mandatory, which is good....but it's like a 50 question compatibility test that is supposed to identify areas in which you could work on/improve. If you take the test the marriage license fee goes from about $150 to $40 I think?
Girl, I totally get you! As a person who is six months away from her wedding, I know what you are going through. Although a lot of the comments I have been reading have been like, "whoa, 12 thousand dollars is a hella ton of money" I know that if you want any kind of larger wedding i.e. 120+ people, there is no way…
I am going to jump on your band wagon, because really, I think the problematic parts of this whole "debacle" have already been stated succulently by better writers. This article/ me uncomfortable as well. I want to believe this is really heart felt, but when i got to this line....
That make-up team should NEVER WORK AGAIN!
I want you to know that thinking about that burned beer can on her hand (AND THE PERFECTION THAT IS ALLISON JANEY) made me spit guacamole on my keyboard at work. Guess who's watching this movie on the weekend!
Good...because we totally should. Denise Richard's Jesus/I Love you Baby/Dance/Song/Magic is soooo great. And Kirstie Alley slays me in that movie. Also I'm from Minnesota....so there's that!
Although since that movie is a damn near national treasure of a movie, is it really embarrassing? Amy Adams stole so many scenes! LURVE HER.
It's a weird consumer dilemma...I mean, the easier it is for customers to access your information the more likely they are to purchase your product (in this case venue) right? But perhaps sticker shock prevents some other people from not booking? I would like to see the statistics on that. I have this inkling though,…