
Shall I give you their phone numbers? Normally I would agree with you... I think it is obvious that both of those people are satirists- but you'd be surprised by conversations I've had with people. I literally had this same conversation defended Sacha's Bruno. Now I am having it with you defending Seth.

Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal. Not all great satire is obvious (to everyone).

How does that JoJo song go again? "It's just a little too late...."

That's cool. Thanks for appreciating my point. Side Note: I know a shit ton of Republican Christians I went to college with that think Stephen Colbert is their answer to Jon Stewart. :(

Okay, I can accept that. The only thing I would counter with is this; I think satire really only succeeds by creating and evolving further discussion i.e. what the interwebs has been doing the last two days. So, in my view, his satire WAS VERY successful.

omg...i was thinking about the EATING BABIES piece...but I could not remember back to 9th grade English class. Thank you :) That made my day.

I understand your point, but I feel like I had the same discussion with my friends over the movie "Bruno" with Sasha Baren Cohen. On the surface it looks like its making fun of gay people, but if you watch it- it really just makes fun of homophobes and homophobic stereotypes. How should satire approach the fact that

THANK YOU! The context of his boob song was that that was "the awful sexist thing he did to ruin the show," SO INSTEAD he decided to dance and sing like classy mofo. And really I felt like he was showing how stupid it was that people always focus on Oscar-nominated women's sex/nude scenes. Ala Kate Winslet and Halle

Thank you much!

Anyone know title/singer of the song played?

Umm...I'm not really sold on the whole premise of this article. Yes I completely believe there is a factory out there building generic and awful RomComs, but perhaps the sheer amount of awful ones are distracting you from the gems. As a RomCom aficionado I'd say in the last few years there have been plenty of great

Hmm...yeah. Although I adore her, including Michelle Obama was definitely weird. Made even more weird by her servants in the background. Honestly, I really enjoyed Seth's performance. I'm 24, so that kind of humor is of my generation...but the entire set up of his opening monologue where they show the offensive things

That would have been a valid argument.... IF THEY HADN'T PAINTED HER FACE BLACK!

ooooooo, a good one! I definitely quote that doc all the time when I try to explain to people how my Christianity and support of LGBTQ community aren't at odds with each other. Especially when it comes to the use of the word "abomination" in the Bible.

Okay, but what real progress has feminism made if instead of letting men tell us how to think/feel/act we let other women tell us how to think/feel/act. I love choice feminism because I am confidant in myself, my likes, and my dislikes (whether stereotypically feminine or masculine). Are we just supposed to give up

I feel like this was your thesis statement:

Degrassi reference!!!

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that this article can fuck itself.

*claire dane's chin cry*

This is the stupidest study that ever existed.