Amalie Noether's Cousin

Kinda weird for this to be on FA, where the vast majority if not the totality of the readership knows this full well.

Anytime someone complains of the horrors of safe, fast, not uncomfortable modern air travel this is all I can think of

Now playing

I think the engineer was trying to get rid of you as quick as possible. A good vacuum gauge( the one in the mustang might be junk, don’t know), is actually very effective way to diagnose the condition of your engine. Here is a quick search of just one of many videos that show what a vacuum gauge can tell you. (edit:

a massive silo collapse, which spilled 10,000 tons of corn across the road.

Suspects wanted for questioning:

I am not a regular on Jalopnik, so apologies if this has been discussed already.

IMO this is why autonomous tech won’t reach the masses in my lifetime. Too many lawyers anxious to file suit against the ‘deep’ pockets of the automakers will lead to driver assist over autonomous even when the opportunity for truly self driving is a reality...

Just like the plural of Grand Prix is Grands Prix, the plural of Bland Prius is Blands Prius. 

+11 Million

and “people” are stupid. I’d rather trust the niche lovers of the sport, then 100 million people that barely care and are more outraged over “omg sexy girls”

I guess today is cynical hipster day at Jalopnik.

Only watchable clip? The only thing wrong with Bullitt is people going in to it expecting an action flick when it isn’t one. It’s a very good detective/suspense movie from an era when movies required attention spans greater than 15 minutes.

I’m bummed. I thought this story was going to say F1 will finally be streaming online. I was ready to call up my TV provider and tell them to suck it. But nope. I’ll pay again for another year so I can watch F1 and football.

You sound like someone who is obsessed with money and who equates money with status, and fails to realize societal impacts of economic inequality.

Using a word like “should” denotes that you want it to be a certain way.

Nice history lesson.

RIP any hope for a true “small” light duty truck :’(

People act as if it is their duty to get offended by everything.

I don’t get how that’s a stereotype now. Because some parents choose to let their kids dress like they feel dresses are not conformed to a specific gender? And because of that we all have to walk on eggshells and watch what we say? As long as its not hurtfully directed towards the child this isn’t a big deal.

Gaming the waze system is probably on the order of 730x faster then going through your local organizations to install a speed bumb.