
This. Also, the other solution is to just decriminalize sex work in general so that women (and men!) that are engaged in it have legal recourse if they are attacked/treated poorly, which would decrease the amount of trafficking.

Yeaaaaaaaah look, we all think it’s creepy but I think I speak for most of us when I say that it’s muuuuuch better when a sketchy dude can go to a “sex doll brothel” instead of patronizing a sex-worker who may actually be trafficked?

Yes, but not at the same time.

I’m never having kids so I can’t say I empathize exactly, but I really, really do feel you. And I want my sisters to get all the leave they need to take care of their babies and bodies. I got salty with coworkers who complained about pregnant women not coming in to work or people getting more vacation than others. I

Society wants women to have children and stay at home in perpetual domestic servitude. Working disrupts that paradigm.

It’s like society wants you to have children and then it punishes you for having children and at the same time hates you if you don’t want to have children.

Maybe Noir should ask where the NRA was when lawful gun owner Philando Castile was killed by the cops. I still don’t remember them responding. Strange. You’d think a guy being killed by the government simply for the crime of having a concealed carry permit would be right at the top of their list.

If you know you have to lie about your mission by omitting medical facts and information because you know if you told the truth about your “service” and your mission you just might not able to persuade as many women to listen to you, then your mission is fucked up and you’re a fraud of an organization.

Yeah- how are they going to square those two positions with SCOTUS? Especially when compelling a doctor to say something completely inaccurate is WAY WAY worse than compelling a religious person to say something they disagree with. That dog won’t hunt.

Almost every shitty person I’ve ever known is a self proclaimed Christian. There’s a whole lot of “do as I say not as I do”with that crowd.

They can literally destroy your whole company.

One man can bring down an entire company with his terrible actions. And even after having been fired! Holy shit! I hope this serves as a lesson to other companies. Don’t put assholes in charge. They can literally destroy your whole company.

The robe is really becoming the white van of the garment family.

I would laugh at this shit if it wasn’t a slap in the goddamn face to addicts and their loved ones all throughout the world. I hope he fucking dies.

I’ve seen her on the bus with her kids.

Because kids these days are always watching TV commercials, right?? Not hard to figure out which of his decrepit white male advisors came up with this one.... a DJT original!

I mean, it makes sense because everybody stopped doing drugs after the whole “Just Say No” thing in the Eighties so why wouldn’t it work again?

Just want to say, Cynthia Nixon really does ride the subway. I saw her once on the M train going from Brooklyn into the city. Then she transferred where I transfer at West 4th St, and we road the A together. I got off at 14th Street and mumbled “I love your work” to her before I ran away. :D

Well, I would hope people would be as smart about male BC as they would female BC. It should not be the only form of contraception with casual partners because of STI risks. If there isn’t enough trust to be sure that they are taking the pill, you really shouldn’t be fucking without a condom to begin with.