
Holy shit. You got fired for being scammed??

Oh god I kind of love it when there is a batshit crazy table near mine. I love to eavesdrop and tell the story later! One time, my husband and I went out for sushi and this girl at the next table would take a bite of her roll, declare it unfit, send it back, order another roll, take one bite, declare THAT one unfit,

The milkshake couple was pulling an intentional scam, I'm sure of it. I've heard of similar things - they ask for something that is not on the menu, and when they are told the place doesn't carry it, they either throw a fit or use some other tactic (acting offended) to get comped food or drinks.

That story was a double dose of bad customer AND bad manager. WTF with that manager?? Fuck that guy.

THANK you! There was a time when a Jez writer would have been like, "Fuck the wedding diet!" The Jez I used to know would NEVER have posted this article. I hate what they have done to this site. It makes me so sad.

I agree. The wedding was lovely, and they have the kind of money to afford weddings at places like that. But being upset that we couldn't stay there was a little tone deaf, especially since all of us had to either fly out or make a two day road trip to get there.

I also think destination weddings are incredibly selfish, especially when they are planned at expensive locales and during expensive travel times (ie: flights to New Orleans at the New Year). My cousin got married at a super swank resort in Santa Fe, and while getting there wasn't a big deal, staying at the super

I've always thought they suck, too. And yeah, if it's a friend or a distant family member you can decline. But your sibling? That's a lot tougher and they are STILL asking you to spend your money, time, and vacation leave on a destination they chose. I find destination weddings really selfish.

Who? Doctor Who! Who is Doctor? Who! Third base!

You are going straight to hell for this. And so I am because that shit is FUNNY.

Never forget that McConaughey was a frat boy at The University of Texas. You can take the man out of the frat but you can't take the frat out of the man. No matter how cool he seems, he will always be the douchey frat boy you flirt with at parties but don't take seriously to me.

It's amazing. She just doesn't look like the same person. AT ALL. If you had shown me those photos from yesterday and asked me who that person was, I would not have been able to tell you.

I can not tell you how excited I am to go home and watch this on my lunch break (with my dachshund, of course). I just gasped and did a little happy squeal of glee. Da

I find it astonishing and really sad that I spent so much time in Houston visiting family being bored and miserable when I could have been having a blast in mid-town. One thing that's nice about this set up, though, is that you don't get people moving to Houston just to move there because it's "cool" like you do in

You know, I always thought Houston was nothing but freeways, strip malls, and fetid swamp because that's all I ever got to see when visit family waaay out in the 'burbs. My husband went to law school at U of H, though, and when I expressed my (ignorant) opinion, he sought to remedy that immediately. Now I get how cool

Oh absolutely. It's a HUGE state. I didn't realize how Democratic the valley was until I went down there for work in '08 and there were Obama signs EVERYWHERE. It's one of the areas that Battleground Texas focuses on, being plurality Democrat and Hispanic. When people talk about turning Texas blue, they are including

Don't forget the Valley. Lots of blue counties down there.

You never know how far you'd get, sure, I just have no interest in trying. I like being comfortable, well fed, and entertained. When I really think about it, just the food thing alone makes me feel like I wouldn't want to live this way. To live with zero sources of comfort, constantly fighting tooth and nail just to

Every week I watch this show and every week I come to the same conclusion: I have no interest in surviving the zombie apocalypse. No interest at all.
