
They all tend to act really put out when you tell them you don't want a male OBGYN. My PA was one of the first people who took me seriously and when I told her my conundrum she said she understood and let me know that she could do my annual and write birth control scrips and I would only have to see the OBGYN if I had

Yeah, I mean, there are some trolls in here who are trying to call me sexist and discriminatory, but my husband goes to a male doctor for his needs.

Well, yeah, they're making a lot of money on it. The US healthcare system is irrevocably fucked.

Oh my god I would have died.

Holy shit!

The anesthesiologists also tend to have the best sense of humor. You can joke around about drugs with them and they don't give you the side eye like you're some kind of weirdo addict.

Where is that gif with the octopus running way going "NOPE NOPE NOPE" when you really need it?? HOLY HELL that is terrifying!

Sorry, but female exams are wildly more invasive than what men go through. I know you guys have to do the whole bend and cough routine, but that's like one second not an extended amount of time naked from the waist down while someone peers at your private parts and messes around with them with instruments of torture.

Ha, yeah, when I lived in a city with a PP I used to go there for all my lady part needs and I don't think I ever once saw a man working there. I loved PP and continued to use them even after I finally got a real job with real insurance. I miss having one near me so much.

Am I the only person who feels really uncomfortable seeing a male OBGYN? I know it's silly, but it really sends me into a tail spin. When my old female OBGYN moved away, her clinic just sort of divvied up all her patients among the remaining doctors and I got stuck with a male doctor. I just quit going and let my

You will have to rip my chicken biscuit from my cold dead hands. It's the only fast food breakfast I allow myself and I get to have it once a month. If I didn't limit myself, I would have serious health problems.

Salads always piss me off. I read the description and it sounds great! I want to eat that! But I need protein. Then I see how much the salad costs, then I see how much it costs to add the protein. Then I realize I can have a burger, a side, a drink, AND a dessert for what it costs to have one salad with some chicken

That was the best thing I have read all week!

I love that Tublr! Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to love Jezzies, so I quit going there. But HA. The "fuck you fatty cold shoulder top" is GOLD.

I live to serve.

I don't know who the people are that buy those things. Don't forget the ones that say SHOPPING and SHOES and LOVE, too. Those are just waiting for you to snap them up!

Seriously. Fun fact, when my now hubby and I were still in the early stages of communicating on OK Cupid, I once went about two weeks without hearing from him. I was disappointed because I really, really liked him and thought there was a connection, but you know, shit happens. So after a few days, I just sent a really

Wow! Way to catch flies with honey, darlin'! These dudes. I swear.


I don't know if those specific rules still apply, but when I was still dating I always gave at least 24 hours for someone to respond before I gave up on them and assumed I was being given the fade-out. I mean, people have lives and shit. These weirdos who expect instant answers to their messages need to get a grip.