
My university had to put a portion controller thingy on the ranch dressing because people were filling up cereal bowls full of the stuff. There was bad joke that went around because of it - Q: How do you get a girl at this school to suck your dick? A: Dip it in ranch.

That isn't that weird.

Yes! Like my story about the blue cheese! It got shared here and these people showed up in the comments all outraged that I made fun of the extra extra EXTRA well-done steak with a block of blue cheese guy. Like that order was completely normal and not unusual at all. I guess I can kind of understand defending the

Yes, rabbit is delicious! I have often wondered why it isn't more common in the U.S. It's easy to raise, easy to cook, more healthy than chicken, and more delicious too.

I have way too many fat-phobic people in my life to ever serve pork belly to a large crowd. This makes me sadder than I can explain.

I don't have enough knowledge of computers to know, either, but I've seen similar systems at other websites. I know it's possible, I just don't know if it's feasible on this incarnation of Kinja.

I have an idea where after you get so many stars on your post (a number set by the mods) you get out of the greys. That way, we don't have to flag down a mod to follow us and regular commenters get out of the greys easier.

Yeah, I had a couple of friends in college who went to private Christian high schools. One of them was shocked and dismayed when he flunked his first essay assignment. He had me take a look at it because I got an A. What he turned in wasn't an essay. It was one paragraph, barely covered a single page double spaced,

"Bulk generic tater tots and Jesus's love." BWAH!!

Thank you for this comment to that fucking moron. My husband is a defense attorney and the VAST majority of his clients who are accused of dealing are also addicts. It is a huge problem and it wears him down like you don't even know to see people who desperately need medical treatment get sent to jail over and over

10% or maybe a little more, depending on how many drinks your server brought you/how messy your table was when you left.

Yeah, I think that's a big red flag. It's natural and normal for people who spend tons of time together to argue, especially people who are married to each other. A counselor told me once that if a couple never, ever fights or has an argument it means there is a communication problem in the relationship. As in, there

Yes, that too!

Yes, well, when "teaching life skills" involves primarily "Don't have sex!" "Pray to Jesus!" "Be a good girl!" it's pretty hard to gain practical life skills.

Hey now. Saying that she will fail her children is MASSIVELY unfair. Plenty of people from rough backgrounds go on to live fulfilling and successful lives. But yes, the system, her family, and her community all horribly failed her.

Yeah it's crazy. The girl I saw at my job is from a small, very conservative small town. She was trying to get services to get her life in order, but those have other requirements attached, like going to a center to look for work. She didn't have a car, and the small town naturally has zero options in the way of

I saw a girl the other day who was 28 years old, had a 14 year old daughter, an 8 year old son, and one on the way. No job, no education, no fathers of the kids in sight. I couldn't help but feel that our system had failed her terribly somewhere along the way.

Me too! Do these websites not realize that most of us are in offices and can't watch videos at work? Why can't they at least post a transcript?

True, it's not the most cost effective thing in the world, but my stepmom is active in competitive bbq and I've seen it from small time competitors enough to see how common it is. Note, my stepmom thinks it's stupid and uses regular brisket, but some people are just competitive for the sake of being competitive.

I bet you like your meat well done.