A WOC wrote up a list of the most hilarious aka the worst comments she got recently about her ‘boxer braids’, for The Cut/NY Magazine. One of them was: did you bring a picture of Kim Kardashian to your salon? *speechless*
A WOC wrote up a list of the most hilarious aka the worst comments she got recently about her ‘boxer braids’, for The Cut/NY Magazine. One of them was: did you bring a picture of Kim Kardashian to your salon? *speechless*
Words are hard.
I’ve posted this before, but what the hell:
Ugh never mind u dont get it and its not worth going back and forth with u
How does that change what i said.
This also has something to do with autistic training programs. My youngest brother is autistic and has worked several jobs that he obtained through the local autism center and only the most recent one that he has had for 3 years now, were shit. Some didn’t pay, promising their disabled workers that they were getting…
I know some commenters are going to say not all white people have straight hair and clover knows that,but this shit is made for white girls.
RE: TadK’s comment. This sort of thing is epidemic, and it is sickening - the ‘businesses’ that hire disabled folk out of their Goodwill (mm-hmm) and then pay them, say, five dollars a week.
My aunt is intellectually disabled and works in one of those workshops for adults with developmental disabilities. She works 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, and last year she earned about $3000 (I know because I did her taxes last April). All perfectly legal. It’s sickening how we take advantage of those in our society…
I would hope the giant lawsuit the family is preparing includes damages for that.
It gets worse, actually.
Not just that, but also there are those who know that people with intellectual disabilities are far less likely to 1) realize that they are being underpaid and 2) do something about it. Wage theft from vulnerable adults is not a new phenomenon, alas.
Yep. Unpaid training periods for workers with (not just intellectual) disabilities are legal and astonishingly common. I’ve been to disability job fairs in my city and a lot of places are allowed to pay us subminimum wage too.
If he was there as part of a supervised work program, no way was he getting paid under the table.
Ugh. Sadly not surprising to see RHD involved here.
As someone who has worked and continues to work with people like this (albeit part time) let me say MOTHERFUCKER!
On the plus side: the kid probably is getting a fat settlement check, because the business owes him triple whatever it was supposed to pay him during the year. Labor law is not my area of specialty, but to my understanding (I am an attorney) employees are entitled to treble damages for any unpaid wages that the…
Or just a plain old “mistake”?