
That last picture of her is so frickin’ awesome. She looks so thrilled to be back and having her baby with her. And if that’s not a look of sheer exhausted joy I don’t know what is!

team dog checking in to say lol wut y’all crazy

She’s ruining Hiddleston for the rest of us!

25 years of alcoholism have a way of changing one’s personality.

So I have to ask - the cover is updated, but is the contents? IN particular, is Margaret still using the menstrual pad BELT? I’m 40 and even when I was a kid I was like, “shit, you have to wear a belt when you have your period?”

Keep dreaming. Hillary is a hawk. She was the impetus behind regime change in Libya. Her Iraq vote gave W cover on the left. That’s who she is. Stop making excuses for the reality of the situation.

We get it, guys. You don’t agree with sanders still being in the race. Some of us still perceive it as a profoundly important move. The bias is tiring.

Those of us trying to watch the show will not miss you, I can assure you of that. Catch the dvd and text your bae from the couch if you really need to.

No cell phones at all. Dance, clap, enjoy the beautiful thing called your memory. The end.

Someone responded to my comment with a detailed description of these shoes. Apparently they have excellent rubber soles that make them ideal for walking on rocks. So basically what I’m saying is that Tom Hiddleston comments on Jezebel.

Said a spy, “He has one pair of those shoes that he’s been wearing since March. Clearly, he’s just very English. And very good at keeping his shoes clean.”

she’s stacked taller and looks more scrumptious than IHOP’s double blueberry pancakes.

Do you think it took one or two assistants to artfully pile those rocks?

oh my god the third one. Even when he’s doing staged pap shots he’s trying too hard.

And worst of all, the substantive critique of Clinton, the coup in Honduras, the extra-judicial assassination by cell phone and the many Clinton foundation shenanigans don’t get nearly as much play as the horse-race, gaffe-based coverage about how “relatable” she is. One might be forgiven for mistaking her for some


Do you remember the time you wrote:

I would have calmly walked out of the jury box, approached the bench and said excuse me judge, can I ask you something, and put my fist through his face. My two cousins were raped and molested by family who were supposed to protect them. They confided to me when I was only 15 and they were 12 and 13. I was an idiot. I

Geez you guys are jerks. Living here is hard enough considering our elected officials. We do not ALL live in trailer’s parked at the governor’s mansion.