
I’m confused by your comments. These people are breaking laws by entering our country illegally thereby breaking the law. They shouldn’t have ANY representation in our government. But, that doesn’t stop the entire Democratic Party pushing to give them citizenship.

You need to control the influx. You have too many then there aren’t enough jobs, people can’t feed their families, crime increases. Schools can’t cope, children fall behind because there aren’t enough teachers for the too large classes, lines grow at the hospital and doctors because there aren’t enough of them.
If you

Laws exist to protect everyone. Disregard those laws and you have anarchy which is a great deal more dangerous. I prefer to adhere to the law.
You are putting your “humanity” above the rights of others to live in a country that enforces it’s laws.
You also resort to insults and name calling which is kinda pathetic and

Ah yes, the name calling begins. *eye roll*
I’m not a nice person and I care little about the “refugees humanity” but I do obey the law and I cannot see the problem with enforcing it.

I live in the UK, part of Europe. I live in an area with a very high number of immigrant families. I could link you all the facts and figures you are too lazy to google, but I’m waiting for my daughters brownies to bake so I can’t be arsed.
Needless to say, with 8 million people in this country born outside of it, the

The dreamers are a different issues, but the blame there lies with the parents. They were/are illegal and knew what that would mean for their children.

I still don’t get it. They aren’t rounding up every brown person and sticking them in camps. They are removing people who are in the country illegally. If there’s a problem, then it’s with the current immigration laws and rules, but you can’t decide which laws you do and don’t follow. The laws as they stand say deport

Stop with this common sense posting!

Yeah, calm down the hysteria a bit. They ain’t shoving people in ovens, they are following the law and deporting people who are in the country illegally.

Ugh. Too many factual inaccuracies.

I mourn the loss of any life, especially the ones that died doing such good for humanity. But let’s not forget something, when you strap explosives to the back of a brick; it’s quite remarkable that any of them made it into space.

Short primer:

Inaccurate, Holy hell... I can assure you that youd rather have an A-10 on guns than anyone else overhead. Call me back when the F-35 gets its fucking lazer beemz. SMFH

Remember, the Air Force spent all their budget on golf courses, commissaries, nice housing, and landscaping. So they now have to beg Congress to give them money for planes and missiles and stuff. And the A-10 is a bit down the priority list.

The problem with the A10 is that’s its actually useful in the real world whereas the military absolutely need everything to be cutting edge designed for a high tech cyber war. Reality is cavemen running around on the desert, that’s not going to keep channeling utterly obscene amounts of money to defence contractors!

I have great respect for forward thinkers, especially in the field of physics.

The design for a sledgehammer is arguably ancient.

Killing everything it sees and most of what it doesn’t and letting the pilot return in safety and comfort. And making all those copters and other planes look like divas with complicated underwear.

So they some billions on ships that do the same thing. But don’t want to pay for the A-10 which has a role that no other aircraft can fill. Nah I stil don't get politics

Even after being part of the crew that brought about one of the worst foreign policy decisions of all time