
Maybe in the end this is a show about identity. Who am I?

I think this was so hard because it was seen through the lens of Elizabeth's emotions throughout the scene. The suitcase was done like strictly business. We had our own emotional reaction but they didn't show any. But we are here relating to her pain. that's what was so hard about it I think.

ABC has been on channel 7 in New York forever and ever.

And also people comment on the Don thing because it shows Elizabeth's awakening to how terrible what she and Philip do can be. We haven't really seen her show a conscience before. She knows this is a bad thing to do to him; it will wreck him emotionally whether Young Hee ever finds out or not. People are relating

is it a US gov't lab? Where does William work?

MR is never not hot imho

It's very American

not if we see you first

Thanks. That's what I was thinking too; it makes sense.

Patty operation question — Is she saying that as of this minute she's not going to see Young-Hee any more? Wouldn't it be better for her to stick with her a while so that Don still sees her around, and knows that she could spill the beans at any time? What's the plan?

Oh!!! Thanks ! Glad I asked !

I love that face Philip did at that moment. Like the face when P Tim says "let's talk and see where we're all at." Love those faces.

Finally! Someone remembered On The Beach! I still have pangs of fear after seeing that in like 1907. or thereabouts. Plus I always have pangs of some kind after seeing Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner. Just for the record, that was a movie about people living on some faraway (from us) beach in Australia, after the

Absolutely! My daughter is 19 and has perfected the Roll into a whole face thing.

Also to those of us who remembered the whole thing in the 60s, this was just more of the same and seemed kind of btdt. We had much less fear because it hadn't happened when they said it would, in the 50s and 60s.

btw what character does Kelly Au Coin play? I see the name in the credits but can't place the face.

We weren't going to accuse you.

Well I recall that when Tatiana first arrived, Arkady told Oleg to watch out for her, basically to spy on her, because he didn't trust her. I think Oleg may suffer from not paying attention to Arkady.
And why was Arkady watching tv alone? Where is his family? And why is there so little of Arkady lately?

Yes and for the kids. He's like the Uncle. And he feels lonely and they are the family he wishes he had. But I guess you couldn't have a show called The American.

Exactly, as is being said. Who are they? They don't really know. They are The Americans. or are they?