
I think they could become Gabriel and Claudia; they are pretty well assimilated, I think. He got attitude-y when they thought maybe he didn't know what EST was!

Times sure have not changed, "spoils" of war-wise. So sad.

Yes, every time she or Gabriel, etc says something about "us" or "our country" I always do a double- take. It's more complicated than that, Elizabeth. Don't you even see how much Philip LOVES that Camaro? I agree with poster who says this is one or the one central issue of the show. I also think she may be

I bet it will be somehow mentioned.

Hello? They are travel agents

In Soviet Union is you have Matthew Rhys's baby

They worked with a guy who got shot and they dropped him at a hospital, where he died. Then they found out he had an unauthorized wife and baby. The Center told the wife that she and the baby would be taken to live in Cuba but they killed the wife in a fake drug od and took the baby to his parents in Russia. The

Right I agree with you. I didn't make it clear maybe what I meant. I meant in another world, if Philip/Misha the Human had met Martha the Human, not as spies or dupes, she may have had the capacity to deal with his feelings. Or I could be completely wrong since she seemed so shut down, still, when she didn't know

Who actually is the Center? Supposedly they are in Moscow but someone local would have to be scouting out the possible targets and situations, right? There was no internet so someone would have to find Martha and Young-Hee and Lisa, etc.

Maybe that's why she was so freaked out. She's always been totally in control of her homicides. Maybe Lisa managed to get a piece of glass and cut her this time. That would unsettle any trained killer.

And those eyes

I think Elizabeth is right. Had he known Martha just as himself, he could've talked feelings to her. Elizabeth was jealous of Sandra for the same reason. Or was she? I don't remember actually.

Brilliant! Now I have an excuse to watch again, to look for the prison images that I never noticed before (I only watched in twice last night)

That's my theory too. When I saw we were 7 months ahead, I thought, now they can show us pregnant Martha. Or in a few months, mom Martha. So now we wait and see.

I am wondering - won't Martha's parents call the FBI to find out where she is and possibly come to DC to look for Clark at least? And as someone posted earlier, won't they have a photo of Clark? What happens then? I can't believe that Clark could have prevented her from sending the parents a picture. Maybe they

Travel business is vital part of training

Is it Wednesday yet? I don't know how you all do it, waiting a whole week. I binged the first 3 and a half seasons in about 5 minutes, or so it seemed, stopping only to read the comments and earn a living. Now I'm caught up and can't wait a whole week, like the little people do.
I would love to see Martha living
