Do I even exist anymore? Or am I just a vessel for this fetus? Why did all of my personal autonomy go out the window once I became pregnant?
Do I even exist anymore? Or am I just a vessel for this fetus? Why did all of my personal autonomy go out the window once I became pregnant?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Talking about abortion in anti-choice language (that abortion is maybe sometimes okay for deserving women who used BC, or were raped so they don't deserve to be pregnant, and saying that abortion is always a hard choice), is my #1 problem with the pro-choice movement. I recommend Bearin…
And have it verified by a notary. All sexual encounters should be first verified by notaries.
They are screening tests, not definitive results. Both of my pregnancies I had non-invasive prenatal screening - both times the tests came back abnormal. Both times I then elected to do amniocenteses which cleared up any concerns. In talking to the genetic folks at Stanford where I had the amnio done, they explained…
The cutest part is that anti feminism is a fool's errand. Women are doing better than ever, and we're not going back to the kitchen, ever. So while we and sensible men are running the world and innovating and improving our situation, they'll be squalling man children in the dark. It's so beautiful, I could cry.
You say all this like anti-feminism is a new thing. It isn't. You're not doing anything original or new. It's all a bit boring and predictable. And if all the thousands of attempts to silence feminists haven't worked up until now, it's very unlikely you will. Feminists are used to hearing from people like you and…
What can you say? Boys will be boys! *barfs for eternity.*
You gave them a gift, so it makes sense for them to return the favor, but in scenarios where no mutual gift giving was initiated - no way am I sending a gift. If I don't care enough to go, I don't care enough to send a gift. Never be phony, be genuine.
I will never understand the hate people can muster for being invited to a wedding. Just politely decline the invitation. You don't even have to send a gift.
I saw her live at Groundlings LA a couple times way back when, and she just stole the show. I'm glad she's gotten to bust out.
Melissa McCarthy is my everything.
Melissa McCarthy is one funny bitch... I love her!
There's a difference between showing people's faults and having them act in a completely unrealistic and demeaning way.
She's also clearly self-identified as a feminist and constantly talks about the glories of female friendship. But there's this constant media message to judge and dislike her, for a variety of "reasons": she writes about ex-boyfriends! (yeah, male writers never do that); she's rich! (yeah, unlike ... all the other…
I know, right? And "Friends" and "Girls" and "Sex & The City" and "Chorus Line" and "Company" and "42nd Street" and "Guys & Dolls" and "Working Girl" and "Seinfeld" and "Ugly Betty" and "Mad Men" and "Home Alone" and . . . shall I go on? There are so many representations of this same NYC fantasy I don't see how…
I suppose Katy Perry's "California Gurls" should have discussed water shortages, migrant farm worker's rights, rising rent and gentrification, and state budget shortfalls.