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    I get that it isn't ALL men (I am married to one, so obviously I know that), but there are way too many men who DO act like this. And the good ones rarely stop the a$$wads; the good guys, who are usually the majority, are too afraid of confrontation or trouble. I really believe more men should police each other and

    Ladyology, I cannot tell you how many men have told me exactly what you've said here. ('Rape culture' is a 'feminazi delusion.') So tired of it. And several guys have told me that "lots of women do this for money"... now if someone could tell me why a woman would go through the aftermath of a made up sexual

    OMG, what is wrong with white women. Are the majority of you nuts? I am one, but apparently I'm a minority, since I like the idea of not popping out 17 kids (love my birth control) and would love to know that I could get an abortion if I were going to die otherwise.

    Yes, my eternal question about conservative white women: how I would love to sit down & chat with you. Why must you time after time oppose your own interests?!? Do you like being your husband's property? Having no access to birth control? Never leaving your house & leaving decisions to the menfolk? I have a place

    I could not agree more.

    I wish the American public would put as much time, effort, and money into ensuring the basic needs of Americans and people world-wide are met before making sure Fluffy has a cashmere sweater or organic treats. It is sick and perverted that we prioritize our pets above people. I understand that pets are easier to

    I agree with your points, leemitchell, but I am get very fed up with hearing men joking and talking about women as if we are all mental patients and we are "PMS-ing" when we get angry about anything (I've had a dozen different guys tell me that a female president might "blow up the world" if she is PMS-ing, I

    No, but shouldn't we then also medicate men for the seriously crazy $hit they do? Testosterone & men's hormonal makeup makes them much more dangerous and destructive than women's hormonal brew, yet somehow women are the 'crazy, hysterical' ones who need to be medicated.

    No, but shouldn't we then also medicate men for the seriously crazy $hit they do? Testosterone & men's hormonal makeup makes them much more dangerous and destructive than women's hormonal brew, yet somehow women are the 'crazy, hysterical' ones who need to be medicated.

    No, it does not make you anti-feminist, but with this line of reasoning, I think many men could use SSRIs or something to control their violence. Let's face it: men do lots of crazy $hit, MUCH more so than women, and are never at risk of being classified as mentally ill. Testosterone causes much more destruction and

    No, it does not make you anti-feminist, but with this line of reasoning, I think many men could use SSRIs or something to control their violence. Let's face it: men do lots of crazy $hit, MUCH more so than women, and are never at risk of being classified as mentally ill. Testosterone causes much more destruction and

    The men and women who participate in this crap are idiots on both sides and deserve to view each other as commodities. Neither party is looking for real relationship. Hopefully these people will never marry, they are sure divorces. Of course every person dates people who are around their "level" - we look for

    OMG so true, so perfectly worded. I have felt like this so many times in my life (see quote below).

    I agree, reducing all white women to the "rich white women" pool is just ridiculous. AND, many/most of us are mixed ethnicities and appear a white 'variation' (Hispanic, southern European, Arab, Persian, Turkish, Indian, Chinese) - are these ladies white? Are they black? What are they? Newsflash USA and many of

    Good points and I don' t have any real arguments. BUT it still doesn't address the fact that men are the overwhelming majority of billionaires and property owners (globally & in the US) and are time after time in positions of power, decision making & wield the most influence in all areas of life. So I get concerned

    I'm pretty sure this golden seed guy just converted me into a lesbian.

    Holy crap, I can't believe a guy like this exists and that any woman is stupid enough to allow his golden jizz near her.