
Yeah..when you take out two full page ads in the local newspapers begging for your band mates to come back, you've totally lost your mind. There is no sense behind that whatsoever. Although Iha and D'arcy probably changed their phone numbers long ago…

I did like the summary on the front of the St. Elmo's imdb page before it was changed. I am paraphrasing but it went like this, "Five college graduates struggle with adulthood. Unfortunately they are all self-absorbed idiots."

The Emilio Estevez character always creeped me out. He is such a stalker
and the movie treats it like it's just a cute little crush.

Yeah, I think the last time he played it he sang, "kissing an Arab." Looking at wikipedia and seeing it's about Camus', "The Stranger," isn't that hard.

That's Harry Nillson not John Denver.

Matt Lauer is actually kind of a prick. I remember reading a New York Times article from the time when the Brian Williams incident was current, talking about all the NBC screw-ups. It mentioned the Ann Curry and Conan incidents. In addition to the Ann Curry thing, Lauer had a problem with NBC bringing three female

Yeah. I think Ebert mentioned that either on the show or in his review that it was a huge problem that the Michael Douglas character was so callous he didn't even care about his unborn child. Plus the final ending..ugh. It's like Friday the 13th…without the classiness of it.

Actually that part was added in part after test audiences weren't satisfied with Douglas getting framed. Then the studio decided to do yet another ending when the first two didn't appeal to audiences.

That could be why. That being said I have sympathy for her. I mean it really must have been hard to be taken seriously as a producer if you were a woman back then. Sure she had a lot of repulsive behavior but I am not sure how it would be if she was a man.

i love that movie but have an ongoing argument with a friend about the future of their relationship. He thinks they will stay together. I think they won't be able to because (tapes aside) they don't remember the mistakes each made in the relationship and therefore are going to repeat them.

Yeah Ken Levine wrote a very tasteful obit on Moore considering it seems like she was a bit of a terror on the set. She admitted she was more like her Ordinary People character than she was like any of her sitcom characters.