Amy Housewine

What is absolutely classic and non-revolutionary about the trans narrative here is that it is male to female. The review mentions eight male to female trans people, one genderqueer, and one female to male transgender person, that I could see. Time and time again when transness is discussed, it is through the

To everyone commenting on how ‘white’ Archie looks and whether he will darken in later years (with the connotation that this will be a bad thing to have happen)... Can you not see just how racist and elitist you all sound?

It not a weird thing to say, it’s a terrible thing to say. That baby will have to deal with so many issues regarding identity, can we at least be happy that he appears to be healthy and leave it at that?

This is so much wrong with this post.

Make it so that men have the opportunity to opt out of parenthood, just like women do, and then you’ll have an easier fight from the apathetic. 

I don’t even know why I’m replying to you, but this makes absolutely no sense.

I’ve read this before and I fucking love it. 

This is a good piece (by a Mormon blogger):

Wrong. You only imagine that because the truth is too difficult for you to accept: other people can have good reasons for not agreeing with you.

Archie. I can’t stand nicknames on birth certificates. 

I knew the principal had to be African American. The language of the dress code is redolent of “respectability” shaming. 

I agree with the sentiment of what you’re saying but let’s also give the principal a bit of slack. The reasons for her choice aren’t really covered in the NYT article (I see that they sought comment from her but high school principals don’t have flacks, so let's not be surprised if she didn't respond immediately).

Latina here. None of that is racist. But thanks for chiming in on behalf of all brown people, white blogger.

She leaked a ton of data that endangered a bunch of people that she absolutely did not read over, rather dumped. She attacked her female CO. She has a well known history of being mentally and emotionally unwell. Her “supporters” ought to leave her alone and stop thrusting her in the spotlight because it will only hurt

NEVER MAKE A WEAPON YOU DONT WANT THE OTHER SIDE TO HAVE. Why is this so alien. Neither side should want to destroy the legislative filibuster as they use it when they’re out of power and guess what everyone loses eventually. Just like nobody should want a President able to enact policy by “emergency” fiat as again

The same could be said for Bannon himself, the former Trump official and campaign strategist who architected the Muslim ban and has since attempted to organize the far-right movement in Europe.

I’m really having trouble with this. In principle, I absolutely agree that health care should be entirely egalitarian, and that my disposable income doesn’t make me a “better” patient than anyone else. In actual practice, though, my healthcare experiences have given me PTSD, and if I don’t get “concierge” treatment, I

I obviously read the article as I suggested that X for intersex be added to reflect biological reality. And actually, sex means biological sex- not gender. The picture is present to reflect representation. Male and female are biological, not gender terms. They are absolutely present on some government documentation

I don't care.
I ain't no freakin' monument to justice.