Amy Housewine

That’s a good point.

In the book you get more of her interior monologue, and there’s lots of “well we’re just a very passionate couple, and if we have ugly fights we have amazing sex, and it all goes together.” Clearly this is in part her rationalizing to herself. And as it’s portrayed in the TV show, if they start fucking, he’s no longer

The show does make him clearly a monster. As does the book. A monster who expresses remorse and has demons, but the book makes it extremely clear that his demons are no excuse, and his remorse is at least partly a tool of manipulation. The show I’m not as clear on. The book doesn’t make the assault look like foreplay

Co-sign. “But you’re so together!” “Why would that happen to someone like you?” “It’s not like you had no other options, why would you tolerate that?” etc.

I read it as consensual. (In the books it is.) This bugs the hell out of me.

I’m really put off by the portrayal of violence followed by sex that she seems somewhat into. It plays into the hideous “I hate you” “no I hate you” (slap) (kiss) shit from old Cheers, but way more violent. Non-consensual hitting is not a turn on, it’s not a sign of passion, and this crap perpetuates this

I also think we should be wary of the power of the state, and not give it the power to kill. Prosecutors have terrifying power already, which we know they sometimes abuse. Why also give them the explicit power to kill? You don’t need to be a hair-on-fire libertarian to worry about this.

My understanding is that if the death penalty is an option, in that state, for that crime, they can dismiss any juror who is completely opposed to the death penalty.

I admire the integrity of this. Anyone who is pro-death-penalty but queasy at the thought of watching this has likely not thought through their position fully. If it’s the right thing to do, why should someone else flip the switch and bear witness? And if you can’t bear to do it, maybe nobody else should, either?

Or, to be fair, the difference between people who eat meat and people who’d like to watch, let alone carry out, the slaughter and butchering of a cow.

Maybe Trump is President OF HELL!

She’s Canadian, so Trump is not, in fact, her President.

My favourite “set off the chemical sniffer” story is as follows: the guy ahead of me got his hands swabbed. It lit up whatever it is that lights up. They said they’d need to do extra screening; he said “oh, I work in a lab,” and they said “oh ok” and let him through.

If it adds an hour to each trip (which sounds reasonable, if not conservative, to me) then for business trips alone, the cost is staggering.

I wore a denim skirt once with buttons down the front. I was very nearly strip searched. The woman was most apologetic, quite pleasant, and told me she was sure it was just the buttons, but it was still harrowing. But hey, if it makes us safer, it’s all worthwhile, right?

As Alexandra Petri says, this is unfair to dumpster fires, which at least dispose of garbage and generate light.

This is a very minor suggestions, but have you tried I have meds that aren’t covered by insurance, and not only is the sticker price wildly different at each chain, but there are these coupons that can reduce the price. Like a generic can cost $80 at one drug store and $15 at another, with no insurance.

So it’s not a refundable tax credit? In Canada they have those for some things, so you get X dollars back. If you pay >X, then your tax goes down by X, if you pay less, then you get a cheque for the difference regardless. That’s how some of the child raising deductions work, so it actually puts money in pockets of

And an 8 year old American citizen.

EU, here, and I’m already a dual citizen, so yay?