
Yes the fact that rimworlds sexuality system isn’t amazingly realistic is clearly the worst implication in a game about harvesting tribesmen’s livers to sell to space pirates.

Totally! It’s one of the few things that makes me feel like I would never really fit in with most of the commenters here - I was a kid who ate dirt, and I’m an adult who will totally share a lollipop. Never mind all the comment threads from neurotic people who would never sit on a public toilet seat. I feel like

The germophobia here is out of control always! It makes me feel weird that I have such a laissez faire attitude about germs.

The germaphobia in these comment sections always throws me! I don’t know if it’s an American thing or what, but you’re the only one here being even half-way rational about HSV1, and I salute you for it.

Thank you for your reasonable commentary on cold sores. I have a cold sore right now and these comments about people living in great fear that they might *gasp* end up like me just made me stress enough to grow a new cold sore possibly! Y’all better back away before I infect you. *PUSHES GIANT LOLLIPOP ON EVERYONE*

I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.

That Maynard specifically planned for this exact event, even getting a lawyer involved, kind of tells me all I need to know about her mother. I’ve got no doubts that she loved her mother and her mother loved her, but to have to prepare for “Mom, goddddd” from beyond the grave is pretty telling.

Whenever my friend had her pregnant belly touched by a stranger, she would touch their belly in response. If they acted shocked, she’d just say, “Oh well you touched mine so I thought we were just touching bellies for some reason. Honestly, I thought it was weird but didn’t want to insult you, so I touched yours too.”

I think I might have heard of it, but when I saw the headline, I was confused why there was an article about a David Duchovny flick from 2009, which I haven’t seen, either.

Were you one of the people who heard (before this article) of Keeping Up With the Joneses?

We’re off-book. We’re the essence of the book, we have the heart and soul of the book, we have our iconic moments that everyone can’t wait for, and we’re telling a new story.

The comparison is because they both try SO HARD.

I have a golden book buried in a hole in the woods that an angel gave to me,can’t show it to you. You should totally join my religion.

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

I don’t know, that seems like a pretty average fantasy....

If you are looking for clothes that can take you from your workout into the rest of your day, you are either doing your workout or the rest of your day wrong.

Yeah, I think anyone following the Kardashians on social media could have also seen that the bodyguard was accompanying the other sisters, who were out for the night, and combined that with knowing the location of the apartment via social media analysis. This doesn’t seem like an inside job, more Bling Ring-level

Freeman is such a fucking gross person, I have no idea why everyone on Jez is so far up his ass.

What about a robber who gets robbed by an even BETTER robber?

I was raped by someone I thought I knew very well- I had never seen it coming. And the thing is, I don’t believe he thought what he was doing was wrong. His behavior was so ingrained he thought it was perfectly okay. I wonder if a lot of men don’t rape under just those circumstances, if they aren’t completely blinded