I object to the suggestion that Hillary would even consider raising taxes on the rich.
Everything else is pretty true though.
I object to the suggestion that Hillary would even consider raising taxes on the rich.
Everything else is pretty true though.
Very few people with any critical thinking skills are counting on Hillary to make the rich pay higher taxes.
Ha! That’s funny. Old Jeb! defending his 92-year-old father who he probably had to sit down and to try to explain that someone — a Kennedy no less! — gleefully put the world on notice using a platform he probably doesn’t understand that he was going to vote for the bad guys!! Ha!!! He probably had to explain that…
skipping the board meeting = dick move
I’ve been dancing salsa for ten years and I would not have recognized that dance as an attempt at salsa if I hadn’t been told. A song with an actual clave beat would have helped. I’m under the impression that the Stars have a fair amount of input on the music they dance to, so I’m not willing to put the JLo=Latin…
Do people really disagree with this? Thought it was pretty inappropriate to broadcast his thoughts on social media for him.
Ahaha, so I watched this episode on mute while I was working and I literally told my roommate that Amber’s performance made me uncomfortable with how decidedly not energetic it looked. Like, you could tell it was supposed to be sexy, but it weirdly was just NOT which I hadn’t expected from Amber at all. I’m truly…
Right? His name might as well be Chad Trustfundington III
I was bald until I was over 2, to make up for that I married an Italian. When I was in labor with our son the midwife said, “Oh, he has a bunch of a hair!” and I loudly exclaimed, “He fucking better!”
I’m really looking forward to these kids retaking Calais together.
When I dropped my kid off at school today, all the kids on the playground were standing around a toad. Marveling at it, breathlessly amazed, all of them, like as if the toad were breathing fire. When my daughter saw this (very average sized, not at all extraordinary) toad, she shouted “WOOooooowwww!” like she had…
um - you cannot transfer your 401k to your husbands. if you are not working, you can open a spousal IRA and contribute the max to that each year - the maximum is $5500 or $6500 if you are over 50.
of all the idiotic things to be mad about, of which i have many, coffee related home paraphernalia is in my top 5.
Interpreted languages are the future, man. Java was nice in its day but Oracle has done f*ck-all with it other than to start some nuisance lawsuits.
Atheist since forever, yet Jesus fucking christ is probably my most employed curse.
In our house it isn’t the Easter Bunny -- it’s Mister Bunny (pronounced as Mist-ah). This is a result of my child misunderstanding it years ago and us just loving it so much that now we have a song for him and all.
It’s probably just that the skin suit he wears to cover his true reptilian form is getting a little stretched out. He should pop it in the dryer for a few mins.
He is very otherworldly looking, and if he had a good personality I could see myself getting into how weird his face is. I’m into ugly hot. But he doesn’t seem like a very interesting or engaging person. I think people are into him mostly because a) accent and b) he plays a cruel and distant but ultra competent…
How is it possible that Benedict gets weirder looking every time I see him? I actually really like him and think he’s a great actor but...his face is just so freaking odd. I can’t even say “unattractive” because that’s really not it. He looks freaking alien-esque to me.
They are both so sexually unappealing to me, I just don’t get it. Every time I look at Cumberbatch, all I can think is that aesthetically he would have made an excellent Voldemort.
Correct. You need to sing and dance to the Jezebel writers for the noticing.