
That was my point these are two people still in school chances are they are not going to have a job offer, and while the point system is complicated you can get a pretty good estimate from the website.

Umm I’m pretty sure paying into SS is not optional, If they are not doing that you are going to get screwed over by that in the end. There used to be a loophole for federal employees (my dad is a beneficiary of it and didn’t pay into but also doesn’t receive SS) but it was closed a long time ago. Your employer should

Are you sure Immigration Canada is on board with that? My husband with an advanced degree and 10 years experience in a technical field barely eeks out enough points. They really aren’t looking for recent college grads with no practical experience.

Thank you I thought I remember reading Jefferson thought there should just be 1, 9 year term for senators.

But there is a logic to cars depreciating in value. I bought a car a few weeks ago and now it has more miles and wear and tear than the ones still on the lot. Also my car will reach a point where it is no longer functional and every mile I drive brings that point closer. The diamonds in my engagement ring are

I think it may also depends on the presets of the elevator. In my building the elevators close annoyingly fast. There doesn’t seem to be time to press the button to even try to do anything so they are probably placebos here.

I did come across to me like she wanted it out there if “ my mom says something and my husband says the opposite you should believe my husband”. I know my mom would do this is I passed away in regards to my feelings on religion.

I don’t know I saw something where someone did the math and based on Judith’s age and how the decomposition works on the show, zombies have been getting more and more broken down as time goes on, it seems to be right on track. The first wave of zombies will should be broken down soon and it will be just a matter of

These people are not being prosecuted for selling a cure for a curse. They straight up stole from these people. They told them the money would be returned and it wasn’t.

I don’t think there would have actually been a crime if they said they would remove the curse for some cash and jewelry. The issue here is that they straight up stole it after saying to would be returned. I can sell you prayers, a place in heaven or curse removers and it’s not a crime.

But that is what get attention, I remember reading a series of articles a few years ago about how it is nearly impossible to fire a teacher in NYC and how the process gets dragged out for literally years with teachers sitting in a room being paid to do nothing while their case was reviewed. These were people accused

I remember my dad signing the book every time in NJ. You could see how his signature changed over time. I don’t sign anything here in VA I just state my name and address.

They do bring up this issue in the pilot. That Westworld may just be a place for ultra rich people to be terrible but that ultimate plans for the robots are something else.

Yeah I mean it’s messed up when you are on the board of a charity to go to the party but not the board meeting.

You can transfer your 401k into your husband’s account... I know that sounds regressive but it may be the best idea. You may need to take a penalty, but having the sum together makes the investment soar faster

I think you’re supposed to get a Tdap booster every 10 years if you haven’t gotten one since you were a kid you may no longer carry the immunity. MT Drs office is big on making sure everyone is up to date on it.

I never had chick pox as a kid I’m glad I was able to get the vaccine as a teenager instead of getting a really bad case of it as an adult so I could have a “real and natural” immunity instead.

And granted she didn’t get into details but she doesn’t seemed to have addressed these things with him. They all seem to be things that would be easy to compromise on with the exception of the “how will marriage change our relationship” thing.

I don’ t think it’s just that, I have a co worker whose husband works at my former employer. When their kids are sick she takes off because he “can’t” but I know from working there myself that they have a very generous sick leave policy and most managers are cool with you working from home unless there is something

I think it’s funny because my husband has some BS going on with his company as it goes through a long drawn out sale and he keeps saying he’s going to quit. The only reason that is an option (which when push comes to shove he won’t do but is looking for a new job)is because I make on par with what he does and we can